Rummaging Through Cupboards For Ammo Simulator 2020

What if we took the Mario Paint music editor except we made it intentionally obtuse with no instructions?

A perfect portion of Mario platforming. The first game in a long while that has compelled me to complete it in a single day, and keep playing beyond the end credits to collect all 100 collectibles.

Pretty fun, despite the janky skyrim-mod origins. Clever take on a time loop game. Galerius is my bro forever.


Cute cat, great world building, beautiful art direction, and a reasonably fun puzzle platformer.

Pretty fun, but felt pretty grindy after beating the first couple of bosses and a big difficulty spike.

I enjoyed it for a couple of hours; it's a cute take on a Match 3 game with a fun tongue in cheek story. Didn't enjoy some of the final puzzles with punishingly difficult timers though.

Great fun playing with my four year old; I'd never before enjoyed collecting cosmetics in a game like this but now I'm all about dressing up in silly masks.

Streamlined and funny re-entry to the series. A few of the final puzzles seemed hilariously opaque; but thankfully the built in hint system took away the frustration. Love the new art style.

Gameplay was fun but writing was pretty average indeed.

Masterpiece; perfect mix of accessible fun and challenge (when going after all 3 coins in each level and the secret exits). The enemies and powerups dancing in time to the music is absolutely chef's kiss.

Had a blast playing this with my four year old!


Such a lovely story told in a really novel way. I played it over two weeks checking in once or twice a day with the sound on max volume. The music is fantastic and I highly recommend looking the soundtrack up on Youtube.