It doesn't capture the magic of the first one but it does get pretty close. I think for me it was that I did not find the vehicle as exciting as the first one as I always felt I was going too slow but maybe that's just sailing? Also I was terrible at judging when that sail was gonna hit something in the background.

It's still an beautiful adventure that brings it nicely together with the previous journey.

Rather delightful 3D platformer that would be at home on Nintendo 64.

It's rather short one though and the first world is done before you have gotten accustomed to the controls. After that it is rather nicely paced as you get new skill pretty much after each world so you get to explore the overworld and find new areas with this skill. I also enjoyed the themes of the worlds even though the first area is rather basic but the rest are much more interesting and unique.

Beautiful and truly unique murder mystery game and I gotta tip my hat for that. it is split to multiple smaller stories with an overarching story of what happened to the ship and I found it to be rather engaging and well done.

The puzzles I found to be little of a mixed bag. There are some great ones that make you feel like an detective but there is also lots of busywork. Especially at the beginning where you just go from story to story writing how they died because you really don't have much else to go with unless they shout an name. Eventually you will have enough understanding that you can start piecing it together but it does take a while to get there.

Floaty platforming with very standard co-op puzzles. It's fine but I doubt I will be remembering much about it in couple months.

It's a solid adventure that flows very well but sadly it really doesn't do anything exceptional with the voodoo theme or the gameplay and it ends up feeling little shallow.

Bring some friends and climb this weird pile of random stuff that floats in the air. It's more frustrating than it needs to be as the climbing system is really not that well implemented and at times you fall for no reason of your own which is not great for these kinds of games.

Another beautiful looking side-scrolling puzzle adventure that sadly falls short compared to the inspirations.

There are some interesting ideas here that I liked. Like how the strings attached to characters affect the game world and how the storyteller is also the antagonist of the story.

Sadly the writing itself is not very well written and it also tries to rhyme it but mostly just fails on that aspect. Second aspect that really hampers the experience is that its very rough and buggy. For a game that lasts under two hours I had so many experiences of stuff just not working and after dying couple times the same solution just magically decided to work this time. Also half of the time these puzzle solutions feel like I'm doing something wrong and this cannot be the correct way to solve it which is not a very rewarding experience.

It's pretty cool to see them innovate with the 2D formula with some interesting ways and audiovisually they nailed it with this one. Sadly on the gameplay side outside the wonder seeds it really didn't go as hard as I had hoped. I just think there is missed potential here with the badge system and especially with the bosses outside the last one which are just unremarkable and forgettable.

Another baffling thing is how bad the camera is in co-op. It really favors the best player and everyone else can suffer and eat dirt. I thought this was already a solved problem in the year of our lord 2023 but it seems I was wrong.

This one reminded me of Disco Elysium with that dice based gameplay and then add that Cosmo D brand of weirdness and you have another great adventure in Off-Peak Saga.

I like the idea of SCP anthology series but this sadly fails on the writing and gameplay side.

The gameplay feels very much made for phones as only interactions outside of moving is that you hold, slide or push stuff and it's all very generic and forgettable. There is also lots of standing around and listening which is also not very riveting.

But the biggest problem is that the writing is just kinda terrible outside that children's book section which was decent. Everyone there is suppose to be pretty much expert of their field but for some reason everyone sounds like they're written by a teenager.

There are some nice visual flourishes here and there and I found the toaster thing to be rather fun but other than that it's just not worth it.

This is a pretty decent effort in the genre. And what I mean by that is that the movement is constant so its pretty much just your fault when you fall. I know it doesn't sound much but it's pretty refreshing to fall because its your fault and not because the game is a buggy mess.

I probably wouldn't recommend it to be played alone but suffering with friends is always fun.

Yeah this misses the mark. It's by name Backrooms but it doesn't make any use of those interesting aspects of the concept. This is just low-tier shitpost about monsters running in a maze while you do some basic puzzles.

The first one was pretty enjoyable zombie adventure and I was expecting more of that but somehow they totally blew it and turned it to another open-world game with nothing interesting to add to the genre. At times the movement can still shine through all the other systems but then you're forced to a another cutscene for one billionth time about a story that I did not find one bit interesting.

This has really strong Castlevania 64 vibes with the world design and when you add stupendously smooth and satisfying 3D movement to that you have a winner in my books.

There are some things that hamper the experience like how mazelike the map feels at the earlier hours as there are many rooms with very little to differentiate it from previous rooms visually but it does get better when you learn the ways of the land. Also I don't think the combat added that much to the experience.

Beautifully crafted story that is complicated but still simplistic at its core and it had its hooks on me from beginning to the end. Also this game just oozes atmosphere and style. The visuals and the use of the music is just on another level here.

Funnily enough like other greats of the genre it's the combat that is easily the weakest aspect, especially when playing as Alan. These shadow blobs that either attack you or not are dull as enemies and fighting them is an lackluster experience. Weirdly enough this game also has one of the most memorable action set-piece I have ever seen but it does not change that generally the combat is forgettable.

I think in the future this will be looked back like other classics of the genre or at least as an cult classic.