i’ve tried to get into it multiple times, with and without friends, and every time i/we quit after the first quest/boss because it’s so fucking boring and empty.

it's like worse Terraria and Terraria already isn't particularly good.

i had a dream that the characters in this game were redesigned to be more interesting. i’ve had a few dreams about this game, actually.

i don't sympathize with complaints about the lack of weapons/mutations. if there were any more you'd all be rightly complaining that it's bloat, especially since you have little choice in which weapons and, to a lesser extent, mutations you get. less is more in this case.

the only criticisms i have of this game are small nitpicks that i only hold due to how much i've played it: as mentioned before, the characters you play as could be much more interesting mechanically, and also there is a clear aesthetic inconsistency in enemy design between the areas included in the original ludum dare version and the areas added for the full release. if you notice, there are very few enemies that have a similar silhouette to the player character or hold weapons like the player character(s) do(es) in areas past the scrapyard, beyond IDPD pigs. i hate that shit. the robodogs in the frozen city should be anthro, god damn it.

completed on hard difficulty. maybe it would of been less grueling on a lower difficulty.

should of played this game more when i had the chance.

very fun even before workshop support was added!

fairly good but holy shit is this hard.

it’s ok, as far as metroid clones go. world design is incredible, obviously.

campaign mode—which should be the main attraction, because it’s easily the most entertaining—gets boring after a while, but hopefully that will change by the time the game releases. this is definitely one of those games which benefits from an abundance of content and what in any other game would be considered "bloat". more is definitely more here.

EDIT: definitely changed at least a bit. there's proper character progression now.

this game is exceptionally fun to watch.

probably the only roguelike I’ve been able to thoroughly get into. incredibly tight gameplay when compared to other roguelikes due to the game cutting out a lot of the fluff through the magic keys of “O” and “Tab” and the game’s general design philosophy of removing pointless bloat. though I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I missed half the shit they remove. re-add hill giants.

1 star off due to the scaling on Chaka’s custom combo. game looks fucking gorgeous.

never able to get into this but I appreciate any sim games like this.