Even in it's current incomplete state of Early Access, Prodeus is one of the finest examples of the genre, standing tall amidst the retro FPS revival games a la Ion Maiden, Dusk, and mods like Brutal Doom. The movement is brisk and responsive, the weapons are tactile and purposeful, the levels are complex and varied without feeling like a labyrinth of back-tracking time waste. Top to bottom this game is a blast and worth every penny.

An excellent reboot of a classic franchise. It imbues the character with depth and nuance, flirting enough with cinematic influences to modernize the series and broaden its appeal, but keeping the core elements fans expect intact.

A perfect overlap between sports and action, competitive and casual, easy to pickup yet hard to master. Rocket League is a revelation and one of the best multiplayer games of the last decade.

while rudimentary in comparison to modern entries, Combat Evolved is in my mind the best in the franchise. The explorative level design and the sense of progression still stands the test of time

In spite of its many flaws and the immense critical backlash, this is still one of the most incredibly realized worlds in gaming. A technical achievement with a killer story and some excellent characters.

An astounding achievement for atmospheric world building and style within such limited technical confines.

A beautiful and foundational indie title that was the cornerstone to SuperGiant's climb to greatness


Brink had so much potential - Brink had style, Brink had slick movement, Brink had a gorgeous art direction and ambient score, Brink had interesting characters and cool weapons, Brink had everything...so what happened?

Brink is tragic tale of a game that was supposed to be everything we wanted and more, yet completely failed as the sum of its parts. From the dreadful launch, the lack of content, the absence of a story, and the limited scope of delivery for each of the promises culminated in one of the biggest disappointments in gaming I have ever had to swallow. I didn't just lose $60 that day...a little piece of me died inside.

A case study of unrealized potential. I never finished this one, despite my best efforts. Game breaking bugs aside, I really wanted to like this one

For all of it's creative and literary faults, pacing issues, and character mis-steps, Naughty Dog still achieves some of the most affecting gameplay and flawless presentation I have ever experienced

A masterpiece of cinematic story telling, deep and thrilling gameplay, world building, performance art, and every facet of modern game production. This is without a doubt the game of the generation, and one of the most incredible games ever created

A phenomenal reboot of the franchise, with what may be its best entry to date. It absolutely nails every aspect of what made the franchise great, and then some. It truly realizes the world of assassination that the designers pitched

A masterpiece, and among one of the most exceptional gaming experiences I've ever encountered. It is the very definition of exploration and I will cherish the discoveries I made in this game for the rest of my life.

A phenomenal conclusion to the modern hitman trilogy that brings all of the same systems and character that we loved about the previous games, but with some clever innovations to the mission structure and maps. The ending is hit or miss for some people, but I very much enjoyed my time here and will be revisiting these levels for years to come


Hades is a re-organization and re-imagining of the rogue-lite. It feels inspired by the genre, rather than being beholden to it. Artistically, technically, creatively beautiful in its implementation; Supergiant has really knocked it out of the park with this one - every aspect of the game is fresh and feels hand-crafted. It is in my opinion the most perfect execution of the "Early Access" game that the industry has ever seen, and it deserves to be celebrated