if you take this game seriously like i did you'll be really disappointed to find out that it's just a shitty version of scarface, otherwise it's a neat add-on to gta 3 that improves on that game's mechanics (but it still feels jank at times) and has a shiny 80s city (that i never really liked)
also contrary to popular belief i think the ost in this game is ok at best and annoying at worst, and v-rock is exceptionally shitty

with amazing highs and horrendous lows, this game is extremely flawed but remains being great fun and it's a modern sonic story that doesn't make you want to blow your brains out like forces
also big nostalgia factor

this shit is so fucking boring bruh
every level is like the other and there's no real challenge

it's not anywhere near as bad as the rating suggests
it's not a masterpiece, but i enjoyed my time with it outside of the clunky motorcycle interludes, fuck those. the story is impressive, engaging and feels like a 80s movie in a good way. i found the shooting to be pretty good here, even better than MGS because of some re-like mechanics and because i'm a filthy casual that likes auto aim on consoles.
while not sweet, it doesn't leave a sour taste in your mouth at all - the whole vibe is just kickass. oh yeah and the puzzles have zero to none visual clues, use gamefaq if confused

untouchable masterpiece that still holds up to this day, a masterwork of level design (although it gets slightly less impressive in late game) and storytelling. it really makes you think about the parallels between the game and the real world, it's fucking crazy man. the best immersive sim pioneer, still the best in the genre and my all time favourite

/v/'s biggest psyop is convincing you this is a shit game, it's actually amazing
it isn't anything like the first game sure, in terms of atmosphere or gameplay, but it's such a blast to play and considering the sci-fi theme is basically implemented in every quake game except 1 it'd be a lie to convince yourself this game isn't true to the series now. also fucking AMAZING industrial ost, same with q1 and q3

this game is a lot more impressive than sa2, my old review can go fuck itself. there's definitely this feel of adventure and childlike joy, and the story is closer to the series' core instead of being y2k edgekino as good as that is to some extent. all of the character types control and play better than in adventure 2 (knuckles' radar not being fucking horrendous helps a lot) and (except for big) they don't feel shoehorned in, they play at least some part in the story and lead up to the finale. adventure hubs definitely make this game a lot more soulful as well as the shoddy cutscenes, it's just got a lot of charm
story is actually very impressive for a sonic game and the game itself is just very innovative for the series and for gaming in general, in terms of graphics and gameplay for the time, this definitely deserves a 7 at least but i'll add a point for nostalgia factor

the more i spend time with this game the more i think that it's literally just a run and gun but hey we have these COOL and AWESOME church-inspired enemies, mid ost AND a "combo" system

the kicks, weapons and general feel are definitely great but the story is, as expected from an early-10s fps, oozes "lolz so random" vibes, although thankfully not as bad as borderlands or saints row 4, i actually laughed a few times so there's that. a good console shooter but there are way better games on pc

cheesy and overlong story mode but nonetheless surprisingly high-effort for a persona spin off game, i like the gameplay and the choreography

really forced fillery story and an ok fighting game. the timings for the combos are ridiculous and kanji plays like shit

like any other dreamcast-era sega title this game goes fucking raw, an arcade classic but fairly hard to master (and control)

what a fun game! i really liked the part where you escorted a character from point a to point b, defended point a and then point b and the occasional scripted mission where you just shoot things while something the developers think is funny happens
such a fucking chore to play

the writing and even the idea behind it are shallow, i didn't really care about most of the characters, the plot twist out of the ass at the end makes zero sense and it's just not a good or engaging novel
only play this if you haven't grown out of your mindless self indulgence fan phase

this game obviously sucks ass, it comes off as predatory edgy wankery for 10 year olds (when i actually thought it was interesting) but there's just something amusing about rpgmaker cheese that's missing in modern indie titles