While I enjoyed the original slightly more, I definitely enjoyed my time with DD2. I paired it with my second playthrough of BG3 and it complemented it wonderfully.

So I finally gave up after burning out of tertiary side fluff, the Combat, characters and production values are phenomenal 👌 however my OCD had me hoovering up every side quest and copy/paste objective which killed the momentum and made me give up at the 60 hour mark. I'll go back to it maybe next year but for now I'm done.

I'm in two minds with this one, part of me adores living out my Starship Troopers fantasy and have lost hours to it. But then every few days I feel like I'm just stuck in an Edge Of Tomorrow type loop....I think I might go watch some sci-fi movies.

Finally got around to blasting through this one just in time for Rebirth.
I did enjoy it but it was pretty tough on my attention span for about 5 hours in the middle.

Great revisiting this odd little gem,
Get off my beach Reedus!!!

Best RPG ever? Quite possibly.
Huge amount of scope and depth and some of the best storytelling in years.

All the clichés and character archetypes you would expect but delivered in a self aware and loving way. Lots of fun and one I'll definitely be going for seconds with at some point.

An exceptional game with plenty of choice and consequence and excellent writing. It took me a while but I finally had the time to sink into the world of it and roll credits. Outstanding stuff.

This may be a record for me, I started playing in 2012 on the ps3, picked up my save and played some more on my ps4, and then this week finally finished my first playthrough on the ps5. Its janky as hell and very...very cringe, however it has a charm and sense of pushing the tech (of its time) as far as it can that won me over.

A game clearly made with me in mind, a surrealist story driven lynchian nightmare with all the bells and whistles of the current gen, A.W 2 is now sitting at the top of my GOTY list for sure.

Just as much spectacle as I expected, great story and some AAA set peice action to keep the story swinging along at a break neck pace. GoTY Contender for sure.

Ain't no way I'm gonna have time to finish this before spiderman 2 releases is there.

Takes everything it needs from the Fromsoftware template, innovates a little and gives us a bullshitting puppet as a protagonist. Well executed in almost every way from the steampunk/Bloodborne aesthetic to the challenging combat, however some tanky mini bosses and frustrating mid game bosses with cheap mechanics had me swearing my way to the finish line. Still a great and well made Soulslike experience over all.

High highs and low lows, the encumbrance system is broken and I've not experienced this much loading since the C64. Still got good towards the end and I hit the 40 hour mark so no complaints.

A glorious mixture of fishing sim and lovecraftian horror story, I really enjoyed this one. Its got a nice relaxed pace of fishing mini games and inventory management that has you Tetrising fish into your cargo hold, but also a great little story and a hard mood shift once night rolls in and the eldritch shit starts to roll in with it. Solid 4/5