genuinely the worst game i’ve ever finished. the only good thing that i can say is that there were no bugs

made it two hours in but just could not enjoy it. it felt clunky and i’ve never been the biggest fan of stealth games

gameplay and story are the best in the series (though the long lost brother thing is a bit too soap opera for me) but i am more emotionally attached to uncharted 2 and 3.
these are my comfort games

great story, better characters.
my only real problem was that a few of the fights were either incredibly annoying or painfully difficult.
combine that with my lack of d&d experience and the minimal tutorial at the start. there were some things i didn’t realise you could do until i was in act 3

i miss these cartoony platformers. though this was more shooter than platformer (i’d have preferred it the other way around)
there was also an odd glitch in i think the very last cutscene where ratchet’s voice stopped but all other sound worked)

saw and knew very little about this before it playing it.
goes back to pre origins assassin’s creed with a focus on stealth, for better or worse. the story wasn’t anything special, and the open world wasn’t particularly interesting to explore.
i say this as a person who has loved a few different assassin’s creed games: i think the franchise is dead and it’s partly because of the sheer amount of games that have been made

having played through this game 3 times and ragnarok twice, i definitely think the story here is better. lower stakes but more personal, exploring grief, power, love and familial relationships.
i also think the boss fights were better here than in ragnarok (but maybe not as good as the boss fights in the original games, i’d have to replay them to make the comparison)

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knew disco elysium would be good when 30 minutes in i lost my morale, quit my job and the game kicked me back to the title screen.
very different from what i usually play but still really loved it.
my only real problem with the game was the murderer. in most murder mysteries you don’t wait till the final act (in this case the last 20 minutes) to introduce the real killer.
also have two points that i messed up (kim getting shot and the phasmid) that i might go back and redo

builds upon all the good features of the first two games, expands the open world and adds the marvellous web wings to the already amazing web swinging traversal mechanic. and the story was good but not as good as the first game. felt a bit light on side missions but i couldn’t say how that compares to the first two games
my only complaint is that they didn’t really take much advantage of what i think is the best part of these games: traversal. there were those little side missions and a few cases in the main story but other than that web swinging and gliding was just about getting from one mission to another.
all that being said, great game and an easy platinum trophy if you’re so inclined

i think i’ve only played 2 or 3 games that came out in 2023 and this was the best. so i guess it’s my 2023 goty?? for now?

fighting giant robot dinosaurs: still fun

my first real experience with online multiplayer and i was goddamn addicted

my personal favourite assassin’s creed, though i’ve not played them all. i think one part of my liking it so much was how little there was of the modern day, abstergo storyline to get through

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i still can’t get over the fact that they decided to give nathan a brother that is never once in the past three games, even the bits of nathan as a kid, is the brother mentioned.
“oh yeah i had this brother who was literally my only family in the world and we hunted for treasure together before he died an incredibly violent death. and sully knows him too”

don’t think i’ve been as emotionally affected by a backstory told mostly through collectibles than with this game