page 6031, click on the replay triangle, this is the only time this happens on the entire fucking webcomic and i somehow found out by mistake

i ain't getting all of those eggs, i'm going to watch a walkthrough

man this game was released more than 20 years ago and it's fucking amazing, the soundtrack is one of the best in my opinion, i like that the battle system is by turns but also is not by turns if you know what i mean, a must play

minecraft is just minecraft, if you don't like the slow pace at which the developers update this game with new features it's not because they can't but because they don't want to fill the game with useless shit

i don't understand japanese but fuck that zombie

the pacing of the story might seem slow but considering the length of the game it's amazing, awesome characters, incredible monster design and iconic soundtrack, the way the open world works is very well designed, play the post-game that's where everything juicy from the story is

"how far would you go for her" and then the second slide is Eltrio

i vividly remember smashing my dsi to the ground after a villager found out that i read a secret letter i wasn't supposed to read

(then i met reset for the first time)

no words to describe how amazing this game is but how the fuck did Clive Handforth become a tumblr sexyman

iconic soundtrack, iconic characters, iconic world, iconic everything, it's hard to not give this game 5 stars

i just play fortnite to hear children cry on squads

this entire game felt like a fever dream i don't remember anything

this is the gta san andreas for the kids that couldn't get gta san andreas for the ps2

holy shit this game was a fever dream istg

have you ever wished you could play a game inside ghibli's world? then play ni no kuni, playing this games feels like watching a ghibli movie, amazing battle system, worldbuilding and character development

i still have to beat postgame and the 2d version, this game has a lot of shit to beat