this game is so sick. it improves upon the first game in so many ways. the controls feel so much better and just skating around and doing cool tricks is way smoother. i think the more open world setting and free-form gameplay works really well. music is incredible again and love the character designs in this one. jazz gotta be my favorite character

honestly crazy how little they innovated past Jet Set Radio Future. 20 years to come up with anything new or fresh and they spit out almost the same exact game. even the zones in this are almost 1:1 copies of the zones in JSRF. this game just gets severely outclassed in every category: music, zones, characters, etc. maybe i was just expecting more from it, but i have no reason to ever return to this instead of just playing future.


happy i finally came back to this and properly finished it. perfect example of what a roguelike should be. super fun with amazing art. somehow manages to make the interactions in the hub area as interesting as the actual runs. dusa is the best

just a super solid and fun mario game

amazing story and gameplay. a truly timeless game that still feels so fresh after all these years.

wow this game is sick. the story, the atmosphere, the lighting, the gameplay, there's so much to marvel at. and that's on top of a game that's already pushing the horror genre in a really cool direction. some of the scares in here actually got me good which doesn't usually happen with similar games. this truly feels like a modern game with just how much in here is impressive and boundary pushing. also, initiation 4 is one of the most entertaining sequences in any game i've ever played.

so sick. this game is so singular in its style and gameplay. literally has everything you could ask for: pirates, puzzles, mystery, good music, great art. what's not to love here

a real classic. improves upon the first game in so many ways. love how interesting the story is in this and playing as the arbiter works extremely well. level design probably isn't as strong but some of the missions are so sick that it makes up for it. honestly impressive that they managed to go above the extremely high bar that they set with the previous game.

put this one off for a while because i heard mixed things on release and was worried about how it could possibly follow up the first game. safe to say that this completely exceeded my expectations. story is incredible and i love how cinematic this game feels. it looks amazing and feels great to play.

super fun game. the open-world aspect of this allows for so much more creative freedom in how you approach things. sucks that there was so much cut content. however, if you take the cut last mission into account, i've never really understood why people thought the story was incomplete. sure it's not as tight towards the end, but it was working under the constraints of trying to tie back into the MSX games from 30 years ago. and i think it succeeds at that and does so in an interesting way.

this game has an insane level of charm. i have a crazy amount of nostalgia for oblivion. the stories and characters are so fun and interesting

incredible. this game tries so many different things and absolutely nails all of them. every part of this is so much fun and full of charm

cool story and atmosphere, but that's all it really has for me. feels a lot more dated than some other games from around the same time. general gameplay is whatever and the combat tends to be more of an annoyance most of the time. but i do love convoluted stories, so you got me there

this game is just too good, it feels like it was designed to cater towards everything i love in games. big over-the-top stories, chill gameplay, great world design, and much more. the online aspects in this is incredible and so overlooked. i loved walking over a bridge or climbing up some ladder that somebody i don't know placed and just trying to spam them with as many likes as i possibly could. getting excited to see how many likes i received for the structures that i built every time i logged on. not actually interacting with anyone but still getting a glimpse of how they experienced or ventured through some part of the game. the world feels so fun to explore and journey through. i probably spent the majority of my time just gathering resources to build roads for one giant highway like i was playing catan. the soundtrack fits so well and the story and characters are so sick. i can see it not being a game for everyone, but it's definitely a game for me.

this was pretty cool. i love when a game gives a you a lot of options for movement and just lets you do whatever you want with them. overall a nice package of great visuals and audio, an atmospheric world, and interesting and sometimes challenging puzzles.