its an okay REmake i havent played the original RE3 but its okay

a decent RE game of the classic era, the bosses suck though

its an okay fallout game, most of the charm from fallout 3 is gone and the story isnt that good

saying that this is a remake of RE2 is a lie since this is more of a rebirth of it, its a good game but can never surpass the original RE2

it's a pretty decent gta game. its a bit dull in some places but still fun from time to time

this is honestly the best one out of the classic RE games, i love the differences between each scenario depending on which character you play first

wasn't like the first two games but it is still a very batshit insane and fun experience

this is one of my first fallout games that i played and its a favorite of mine, even if it was a pain in the ass to setup with the GFWL bs

another great sequel involving a plot with romance and betrayal with some even cooler mechanics


a fucking awesome reboot to a series so far, its awesome a gory

its a sweet game with gorey ass scenes, i love the homages to the older doom games


its an awesome fast paced classic fps game with a cool art style that they unfortunately stopped using after quake II

a decent expansion pack, isnt as long or as big like opposing force but you can get enjoyment from this one

A pretty decent military shooter, i liked the old ancient 2001 level design

a great action packed RE game, i enjoy it