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1 hr ago

1 hr ago

MrProg completed Stray

1 hr ago

tdstr finished Trove
friends were saying "hop on trove?" as a joke and we did not last an hour, lol.

reminds me of this minecraft modpack I played a bit back in the day that restructured the entire game to be a dungeon crawler action rpg. wish i remembered the name, but i doubt i could find it now. strange duality of extremely simplistic and brain-dead combat, paired with 10 years of feature creep mechanics and menus. it's very obviously a game made in the wake of minecraft, with building and mining mechanics, but I never got to the part where that's ever anything more than an unimportant side-gimmick (if such a part exists).

feels like a fake video game that the main character in a cartoon would get really addicted to for a single episode.

8 hrs ago

tdstr abandoned Black Desert
played 10 hours back in 2020.

the most fun i had was in the character creator, the rest was a series of increasingly tedious and lengthy quests that consisted of things like "walk 500 meters to the north to this person and press e on them" or "go to this area and kill X enemies", layered with dozens of confusing and unintuitive menus.

which, to be fair, has been an issue with almost every MMO i've tried, but i've particularly never been a fan of the WOW style real-time rpg gameplay that proliferates through so many of them. admittedly i've had very limited MMO experience, but its bizarre that the only one ive tried with combat that wasnt mindnumbing was wizard101 lol

9 hrs ago

13 hrs ago

13 hrs ago

thehotrock is now playing Control

13 hrs ago

tdstr finished 20x20x20
Neat little puzzle box you can finish in less than 5 minutes and nothing more. As with a lot of these super short itch games, it's fine, but it's definitely too short and simplistic to leave much of an impression. Value-neutral.

14 hrs ago

gabtoschi is now playing Word Trip

18 hrs ago

18 hrs ago

Marigold finished Dead Space
It's really impressive how this remake of the game and the original are both complete dogshit PC ports but in very separate ways. Where the original hates any framerate above 60, has the worst mouse handling ever, and crucifies you for alt+tabbing, this game opts to ruin every single scare/gotcha/whatever you'd call it moment with incessant shader compilation stuttering, despite the fact that it supposedly runs a full compilation at first launch. What a joke.

19 hrs ago

22 hrs ago

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