Couldn’t even beat the big fat fuck

This might be an insane rating for the deluxe version of burgertime but my god I fucking love burgertime and this version was such a great improvement. It was hard but I never got frustrated or sick of it. It was badass all the way through. Big fan, gbc games rule

Pacman-like with the guy from the assist trophy

What a weird fucking game that lowkey controls kinda well

Weird and specific and kinda not fun but also kinda cool and neat but also a really particular kinda game

Played the absolute shit out of this thing computer class in elementary school good god

Very fun although a little hard at times but nothing even close to the sadistic saw type shit that dkc2 pulls. I’m a big K Rool fan.

Would’ve been better with nazi zombies

It feels like you’re walking through a field of applesauce

40 hours in and I just made it to the mountains. Switching to the directors cut and will finish my review over there once I beat the game. I love this stupid ass game.

Just watched Alfred Hitchcock’s movie “Rope” and immediately wanted to get back into Bioshock. Finally checking out the dlc for Infinite and it’s pretty fantastic. infinite gameplay in Bioshock 1’s world, sign me up. Also this game is going to make my Switch explode, the fan is going so hard whenever I boot this up lmao.

Shoutouts to this collection so I can finally play the dlc

Yeah unfortunately I think this is a baby game. I played the hour long demo (which shoutouts to them for making it so long) but I don’t think I’m gonna pay $60 for this. At least not right now. Doesn’t seem to be for me. Really happy that Nintendo is publishing these kinda things. Oh and the camera is horrible. The main character takes up more space than Batman in the Arkham games.