This game has an unbelievable amount of charm to it. It's so easy to get lost in reading some of the websites and blogs, and some of the puzzles encourage it too! The story is quite simple and the overall length is short, but it's done so well.


One of the best stories ever conveyed in a video game, lovable characters, incredible though put into symbolism. Wasn't a big fan of the RPG segments or the quirky humor, unfortunately, but I can definitely see why someone would.

It's, like, impossible to hate this game. Extremely unique experience, one-of-a-kind. Unforgettable adventure.

I'd say this game's biggest strong suit is its vibe, if that's even a criterion that can be counted. It really transports you into its setting. Everything else was pretty inconsistent in quality, like the characters and story. The weakest part is definitely the RPG bits.

Spectacular for its time, a classic in retrospect. Wonderful puzzles and atmosphere, GLaDOS is hilarious. A bit too short, however.

Masterpiece puzzle game, amazing sequel. So glad they added co-op. Everything that made the first great is here, but better.

I loved the puzzles a lot, reminded me about what made the puzzles in the original Portals so good. The new time travel mechanic is pretty one-noted, but it's executed so well. It sorta just ends, though. No real story or characters, but that's not really to be expected with a fan-made mod anyways. Brilliant regardless.

I loved playing this game, it's an experience that can't quite be replaced. The two main issues I have are that the pop philosophy can act a bit to pretentious, and the ending twist is pretty awful.

Playing detective in this game is so addictive and engaging. I wish I could play this for the first time again, just to experience the mysteries and revelations. The artstyle is minimal yet effective and atmospheric. My only real problem is the "story" peaks near the beginning once you've watched all the segments, and the payoff in the end isn't entirely satisfying.

Cool game to mess around in when bored and to revisit every now and then. It takes a while to learn all the roles and the facility, and it isn't long until you get bored of how round play out. Its only real value is in unique player interactions, which is encouraged by the game design.

Timeless and hilarious. Explores all the tropes of first-person games and narrators.

A lot of it is a step up from the original, but sometimes the humor is a bit too "lol???? quirky random????????????????????"

While I love much of this game, I feel like too many of its elements are outshined by other games. I've played this game years ago and I hardly remember anything about its story or the progression. I remember having fun though, and I suppose that's all that's important in a game like this.

If interested in experiencing the story for the first time: The anime is better. You can just go watch that.

If you've seen the anime, loved it, and are interested in seeing where the visual novel takes things: Go right ahead, it's awesome! It clarifies on a lot of the details and in-universe concepts, including how the time travel fully works. It has its flaws that the anime rightfully decides to omit, like the classic verbose VN-style writing and some of the alternative endings. I was surprised however with one of the twists the anime decided to omit, which I feel adds a lot to one of the characters. Worth checking out!

If interested in experiencing this story for the first time: Read this, don't watch the anime. The anime omits far too much, and for some reason is structured linearly despite this in concept being a non-linear story. As for the game itself, it really expands on the lore and concepts really well, but it has quite a few plotholes and has a bit too much fanservice.