(pls read my PS if you are a fellow trans person who is worried abt a scene another reviewer described as transphobic)
quite literally my most favorite game of all time. i think this games story genuinely has the power to change peoples outlook on life and their opinion of themselves for the better; and it is a story that needs to be told now more than ever. a powerful tale of friendship, hope, love, music, discovering your worth and the worth of even the smallest things, and why its worth it to keep trying and keep fighting for a better future and world even though its hard and feels damn near impossible. be prepared for some serious soul cleansing crying. if you are reading this, please play wandersong.
PS as a trans person, i personally did not interpret the scene another reviewer referred to as transphobic to be transphobic at all, i actually interpreted it the exact opposite way and was left very impressed with the trans representation in this game. however i can understand why people might be made uncomfortable by this scene. i think it is down to the individual as to whether or not this scene is bothers you.

i am an absolute freak for this game

absolutely incredible game filled to the brim with passion and content that i truly cannot recommend enough. seriously, this game is massive. there is an insane amount of stuff to do. its a very tender story that will leave you feeling like youre on summer vacation as a kid without a care in the world again. no worries if you didnt play the other yokai watch games, you can pick this up with no prior knowledge needed. if you love monster catching (or in this case, befriending) games and want a super fun and unique spin on the genre, check this out. also. yokai watch is not a pokemon ripoff thank you for your time......

very sweet game the plot of which is a love letter to love itself. most amazing job system i have ever encountered in any game in my life. cute clothes, great character customization, and you can have multiple different houses at once to decorate as you please. so much fun to replay as well. REALLY recommend it

i think this is objectively one of the best games ever made

wonderful, touching, heartfelt story of hope against all odds that is relevant now more than ever

so fun, huge world, tons of content, great story. honestly this ruined minecraft for me because this has like everything that i wish minecraft had

i miss tingle bottles every day of my life

one of the most underrated games in history

if you have only ever encountered the other chibi robo games, know that this game is absolutely nothing like them at all. it has a gigantic world for you to explore with tons of things for you to do, great characters, and a very heartfelt story about bringing a crumbling family back together. it is an absolute blast

this is my LEAST favorite pokemon game and i consider it a mar on the franchise. it disgusts me how they tried to make lusamine a sympathetic character after abusing her children. also the story just sucks hate everything about this

i love hop i love bede i love opal i love sonia i love leon i love rose i love oleana i love mustard i love honey i love avery i love zamazenta i love zacian

ps if you are dissatisfied with swsh and you did not play yokai watch (god forbid you called it a pokemon ripoff), you brought this upon yourself by destroying gamefreaks only competition in the genre and therefore only reason to improve. go play yokai watch 3 read my review

this game made me cry i dont fucking care what you say to me