Mixing the pirate's curse and half-genue forbids, this game makes for a fun time. While not as fluid as other titles, the focus is in the metroidvania aspect this time. An enjoyable game with an alright story.

It's exactly what it sounds like. One of the most simple yet relaxing and engaging games I've played. With upgraded washers that maximize effort, I round l only found myself growing tired of some large levels that felt very similar and basic.

Looking absolutely stunning on the switch, Metroid Prime plays beautifully. After losing everything, you have to fight back to your former self, and defeat the one who doomed you. Exploring the world and uncovering secrets is incredibly satisfying, knowing you can go back and find even more.

i played this so long ago the only thing I remember is that one kid who liked donuts or whatever tropical food it was

Okay, it's KH, it's confusing but this is the most grounded it'll get. Watching Cloud Strife interact with Donald Duck is insane enough. This game has some [Goofy] stuff but I think it's part of the charm. The gameplay is pretty fun, and while later entries improve, 3D rpg combat is satisfying. The story takes a nice turn on the "chosen one" trope, and while there are plenty of cliches and broken lines, they're still kids.

I just realized I have to review like 8 kingdom hearts games.

Chain of memories is okay. It provides some much needed context leading into kh2, but the gameplay can be confusing and redundant. It doesn't feel worthwhile to change up your deck when you find something that works

Square literally cannot top kh2 no matter how hard they try. Sora feels so much more connected to the characters this time, with epilogues for each of the disney worlds after the intitial visits. Even the final fantasy characters feel like complete characters, exemplified in their arcs in the middle act. The gameplay is unmatched, with quick reaction commands with different movesets are so fun to use here. KH2 sets out to answer all your burning questions while introducing a new cast full of painful memories. Each of the games main acts are so cinematic and climatic, the final boss is incredible and you feel "final". This game could've been the end of the series, and it would've been satisfying... until the end cutscene rolled.

Birth by sleep gives much needed knowledge on the world of KH before Sora, while establishing a new threat for future entries. Three characters and their seperate stories, along with their different goals make for a full story that you need to play all three for the context. The only redundant parts were whenever the characters meet up and you have to fight the same enemies in each route.

I want to like this game more because of TWEWY but I found it really tedious more than I would like to admit. The game is fun on its own, but the levels that aren't the TWEWY ones aren't memorable, and the gameplay grows a bit stale after so long. It doesn't feel super rewarding when the story is a very small piece of the whole picture

Not much to say about this one. Kind of just a tech demo for 3, but a good time nonetheless.

The most polarizing game in the series... I played 1,2 then 3, then the non-numbered games. What a mistake!!!! Anyways this game is fun and I like exploring the worlds a lot. I wish it had more final fantasy, and I don't like how they're focusing on disney so much. Give me 2B in kh4 or something. The story is as confusing as it gets, but it's such a climatic story that feels like you didn't waste 100 hours playing the other ones. The gameplay is a bit repetitive and I don't care much for the disney ride stuff, but the normal combat is pretty fun.

What do I even say about this one. It's literally just a fun rhythm game. Bonus points for TWEWY music. Theres one story bit at the end and it's kind of a waste of time but the game itself is fun