Fun for the first few gimmicks, then repetitive levels

The first time I tried hollow knight, I didn't get it. It was confusing and I was lost. The second try wasn't much better. A few metroidvanias later, it clicked. Hollow Knight's desolate world, finding yourself through it's ruins, is a truly immersive world for a land shrouded in mystery. The movement starts simple with a jump and attack, but after crawling through caves, and using new abilities to find new areas in old places, the skillset allows for fast, quick-thinking movements that are insanely fun for any boss.

It's boring. I found myself tired of roaming the world, seeing these big creatures, and finding no purpose with them. The combat isn't anything special, and feels quite dull. The story is super basic and I don't feel anything from the "misunderstood hero" trope. Lazy cutscenes and characters had me wondering if I should've finished the game.

Hotline Miami's impact on ultra-violent, techno and surreal stories is undisputed. It's a game that will leave you frustrated and wanting to give up, but you'll also learn the best strategies to kill enemies, aim, and reach the end of the stage.

While Indivisible has gorgeous art and animation, along with funny characters, I felt bored and dragged along for the ride while playing this game. With so many characters, the combat should have a lot of options, but ai found myself doing the same actions over and over again. It has potential, but is wasted on overdrawn combat.

I didn't realize the impact of this game when I played it. For a couch co-op game to be released nowadays is rare enough, but this game is nothing but quality to the highest degree. The mechanics in this game are always changing, and are always impressive. With abilities for you and your partner, you have to rely on each other and work together to see the goal. It's incredible how many different, fluid abilities you get in this game. Even the story is well-defined, and you are constantly doubting yourself and fighting to save your relationship. Not to mention the small details you'll find in the backgrounds of these levels, the minigames scattered across, and the side characters rooting for you, this game is a must-play for you and someone you love.

Jet set radio'a funky, rigid, pop style holds up to this day. Zany beats and roller-skating adventures fill this game with love. I was a bit frustrated with the controls on occasion, but when it works, skating is better than ever.

Journey is a memorable experience. While short, making your way through a world, finding help along the way, and eventually feeling more free than ever, it's a very charming game.

One of those games you picked up when the switch came out. It's actually pretty fun despite it all.

Silent Hill is my introduction to survival horro, and it's impressive how much this game can put you out of ease. The eerie music, the sirens signaling strange creatures, and the looming fog shrouding an unknown fog are all so enthralling. I struggled with the tank co trols, but it wasn't too bad. Some of the puzzles are super cryptic, while others are too simple. Overall, it's a mysterious game with a bit of old game goof to it.

Katamari Damacy ia just pure fun. Once you learn the controls, it's literally picking up objects. As you increase in size, so do your pickups. Racing against a time-limit is somehow relaxing just sucking up the world with ease.

In a similar vein to Hotline Miami, Katana Zero is a beautiful game with stylish and flashy action that you will learn with after trial and error. It's rhythmic music is so nice to listen to. The gameplay is fast and you'll learn how to dodge, making for slick gameplay. A story about a samurai in a modern era is sad, gorgeous, and fantastical.

In an unexpected sequel, Kid Icarus finds new light in an amazingly lighthearted world. With incredible comedy that uses the medium to it's advantage, characters will interact and bounce off of each other while still maintaining the overall plot. There's a really cool fake-out halfway through the game, for example. While struggling gameplay-wise due to wanting to do so much on a 3DS, it still feels right at home.