I REALLY should pick this back up

Never finished it, but it's a profound experience.

I adore KH, but I got stuck on an annoying boss and got so frustrated that I stopped playing

Played this game so long ago, but I remember it very fondly. Maybe I should replay the Ezio saga at some point

An extremely lovely and memorable experience that just lasts a few hours, but I will remember for a looong time

Modern Pokemon is so sad, man. It could be the greatest game series of all time, but it just isn't.

Pretty fun, but I didn't like playing it alone

Watched a playthrough. Breath-taking game with a really cool story

Watched it a lot and also started playing, but never really clicked with me :(

The game that introduced me to Xenoblade! I can't be thankful enough

Watched a playthrough, excellent story and game. Amazing character work

One of my favourite Co-op games ever. Should play it again at some point with friends

I should play this again. A phenomenal stealth game experience with a lovely brief story (it's grim, but I liked it loool)

Immensely enjoyed my time with the game, but can't be bothered to play all the routes...