bozja was so good they shoulda put yasumi matsuno in charge of the whole damn game

msq through the trip to the moon: hell yeah. i love this game. i love my boys. i love rabbits.

msq after they send you to a place called "el piss": i see why they called it that

very accurate depection of what being a rich kid is like

To be real though, I dug this game. I only decided to play it after having passing familiarity with the Melty series for years, and was surpised how engaging I found both the elements of horror and melodrama. Standouts for me were Yumizuka's storyline and Ciel gaslighting you. Even as a member of Team Akiha, it's hard not to fall in love with Arcueid. It's achieves at moments what the best VNs do: nailing that feeling of meeting a new person who might be a lifelong friend, and then complicating it with good ol' fashioned cartoon bullshit. It's just a fun, nasty little story for perverts, and I think the remake loses something vital (and not just the porn!). The art's better in the original too.

PS there are two characters named Shiki. This is a mild spoiler but depending on your translation it can be hard to tell what the fuck they're talking about because they're spelled different in Japanese.

Extremely interesting little arena fighter with a tactical map. Make your guys fight your opponents guys or capture their castles. The game is novel, but is not without its share of frustrations mostly due to platform limitations. AI is braindead, muddy visuals make determining pickups hard, small resolution means losing track of your opponent off screen, and scarce in-game text means good luck figuring out what the hell any of the power ups do.

Still, in this age of flash carts and emulators with netplay, this game offers a head to head experience full of both tactical possibilities and stupid fun.

final fantasy 9 is the worst final fantasy because it wasnt a sequel to this where you get irvine pregnant

the members of constellation are the most annoying fucking dorks ever put in a video game and i dont know if i should add or subtract a star for that

intro and title screen among the best experiences gaming has to offer

our top french scientists found a way to make the worst chat of all time

game is extremely impressive as the technical achievement of a solitary dev

as a game tho its devoid of pretty much any charm, but of course the old harvest moon loop could hook pretty much anyone

play harvest moon 64 instead

nuts and bolts is the only good banjo kazooie game

a cautionary tale against vaccination