I still wish Vergil's story was... well, a story, but man whatever this game is a timeless masterpiece. Don't really have much to praise that hasn't already been praised.

Only one in the series I sat down to S rank the entirety of.

Best Dante design, great soundtrack, some of the ideas and environments are cool, I don't care. The game was alright, y'all are just being mean. There's worse.

I've been insisting that Trish is actually kinda fun to play as for ages, but no one else wants to beat the game twice to try it and they just take my word for it.

I only recently learned there was a code to unlock her from the start.

Alien Green is the hardest motherfucker Capcom ever designed and that's not up for debate.

They really said that its motives are unclear and it just wants to hurt people. I wouldn't fuck with Alien Green.

Emerl is the best written character in the entire Sonic franchise. This isn't an opinion.

Somewhere under the millions of Phi rematches and fucked up padding, you really do have a game packed with charm and character.

This is the best Pac-Man clone I've ever played

As soon as I found out that P2 helpers can intentionally kill themselves by mashing the teleport button..... and that you can copy enemy abilities when you're blowing up, my 1 and ONLY issue with this game went from a complaint to a point of praise. It is EXTREMELY fun to turn into a flaming ball of death and charge into a guy just to copy its face. You can't do that in ANY other game in this series.

It's perfect. Super Star Ultra is better, of course, but harder to play locally with friends. So, they pretty much level out for me.

Ain't got nothin good to say about this game that nobody else already did. You already know why it's brilliant.

It's pretty!
It has one of my favorite SNES soundtracks!
Gooey's in it for co-op!
There's 6 unique animal friends!

And its levels are lame, with physics that feel loose as hell even just compared to Adventure. These negatives unfortunately outweigh the positives. Sad.

I still like it, but.... man. The game actually just feels like doodoo to play and Super Star is right there on the same platform

I have more hours in the bootleg than in the original game and I don't know how to feel about that.

2002 Magic Plus has Max stacking and it makes me wish the real one did too

Trouble Man is my favorite MUGEN character

Your reward for completing the game is being able to play as EVERY character in it! Including the bosses and minor enemies!

10/10 for that ALONE, who gives a fuck if it has flaws. It had BALLS.

It sure is Tetris. Feels a lot more solid than the OG Gameboy version, naturally. Not a lot else to say about it.

I think the wall-climb exploit is funny though. If you hug the wall with your piece and alternate your rotations juuuuust right, you can move it back up. I do this a lot when I feel really lazy and somehow didn't make 50 mistakes while shouting expletives prior