An excellent mental workout from start to finish, with the exception of the stealth sequences. Why put clumsy instant-fail timed sections into your brilliant linguistic symbol matching game? It's like finishing off the icing on your beautiful birthday cake with a steaming dollop of dog turds.

Absolutely do play though, very worth the minimal time investment.

Hey kids, come get your farm fresh CHORVS, they're delicious if a little unambitious.

Very well paced, inventive puzzles, doesn't stretch the running time, very generous with art and music in ways that are a little surprising. It has the impeccable good sense to introduce new concepts continually, and throw them away before they become tiresome. There's an audacious sequence at the end that is worth the price of admission alone.

It's unfair to compare two games that are doing such different things, but I'm very surprised Unpacking got so much love while a game that I think is superior in every way was barely mentioned.

Also it's the real prequel to Myst.

Forget style over substance, in Genesis Noir, the aesthetic is the substance. Without meaningful interactivity, your reaction to the art will determine how you feel about spending your time here. I was ambivalent, and the final third of the game tried my patience heavily.

Genuinely outstanding art style, does just enough with the puzzle mechanics not to outstay their welcome. If it were any longer, they may have begun to wear. Reminded at times of Superliminal, another perspective puzzle game, but less raw invention and more smooth, placid charm.

A delightful work of documentary and game preservation, as well as a joyful object in itself. Heartily recommended to anyone with even a passing interest in the early days of video games.

The best game that came out in 2022

It's a good remix of a good game, and that's good?


The Witness would be immeasurably improved if your avatar was a cat.

Monado? Monado. Monado!

Shulk! Bionis Mechon Machina Entia Meyneth Dinobeast

It's Reyn Time

For my money the finest JRPG ever made, and a solid play for my favourite game of all time.