Buddy, I've not had a love/hate relationship like this in a minute......

There's so so much I want to write about but I don't want to make myself all mad/sad.

Yeah, I mighta had a better time if I didn't pour 100 hours into it going over all the side content but that shouldn't be on me?
Gears and Gambits? Gears and Get To Fuck.

See you in 4 years or whatever

effortlessly a banger all over again


Berserk Boy has this amazing ability to successfully pull together things I love like the high-speed allure of Sonic, the boss battles, progression and style of the Mega Man Z/X series, and even precision platforming reminiscent of Celeste. The best part of this fusion of inspirations is that goes beyond just homages to make some that feels totally new and different. Keeping true to a retro aesthetics but with welcome modern sensibilities. The journey is filled with gorgeous pixel art and matched with a RIPPING soundtrack. There's a lot to love here and you can just feel the passion throughout. Just when I thought I'd had my fill with the main campaign things like the EX Missions started to really give me a test and flex the design. There's enough here to be worth it but it stays tight at the core because it cuts bloat. I know I'll be revisiting this one over again when I've got a classic itch! Big Recommend.


Few successful runs down. Will be many many more. Very Good Video Card Game. Thanks.

Full of a genuinely upsetting amount of heart and soul that comes through the characters and story moments. Some absolutely top tier Bat Family stuff. Lovely designs on the various suits and some extra little details that show mad attention went into this.

Completely fucking burned down to the ground by an onslaught of live service shite that it's struggling to even give a shit about itself. Horrible trend. Go away.
Anyway, Suicide Squad huh?

What a shame for the devs. I've stood by Arkham Origins being unfairly maligned and a stand out in the Arkham series. I hope they can put some of this passion and creativity into something that isn't rushed out and stuffed full of stuff no one actually wants but big corp money thinks we do.

Anyway I played the whole thing and will probably grab the Platinum because I am a broken gaming goblin. Might do a cheeky Arkham series replay as well.

100% co-op playthrough, a joyful video gaming memory for life. Sublime!

took out all the fun movement options and added a bunch of verticality with a jungle biome??

I know you've got your little issues with it and I'm sure they are all valid. I genuinely can't comprehend the way I feel about this game. Playing it is an escape unlike any other and I easily poured 250 hours into it and I'd gladly do it all over again. I went back to BOTW and it now feels like playing half a game. A total triumph. You can't beat it. Well... they probably can and will.

a horrendously overt time and money grab with the littlest amount of gameplay i've ever seen in one of these but i can't stop myself and the monster hunter collab just started and gore magala ken looks SO GOOD BRO YOU SEEN THE FASHION ALTS THEY HAVE?? FASHION CHUN LI LOOKS SO GOOD. DON'T PLAY THIS

hey little man hows it goin?




they effortlessly introduce new level gimmicks that could be the hook for entire indie games and then throw them away in the same level~ not since Nintendo etc.

the confidence and the craft to fine tune the chaos and instability is just chefs kiss

didn't expect to fall for it this much but i love it and can't recommend it enough

it's sent me down a warioland path and i'm not mad about it

Another Pokémon Game is another Pokémon game so it's probably Bad Actually but I'm blinded by nostalgia and it made me feel good warm inside, so it's brilliant.

this is my JAM.
one of those games that reminds me why i love games! and shadow dropped as if created by magic. amazing.
some solid endgame stuff it's just so complete.
~going back for the rhythm master difficulty

i'm a sucker..
the game is astoundingly rough! even when excusing the poor performance and issues, things like cutscenes that should-100%-be-voiced simply being silent is WILD for a franchise that makes this much money
oooo game make me feel like a kid again.
it's equally as charming as it is rough and i couldn't help myself from smiling for most of my playthrough.
the characters are really fun, new structure and open world/no random battles is a fantastic step forward and overall the story was interesting enough and well written.
shoutout to larry, i love you man.
even the silly teraforming thing reminds me of those fake shiny sticker pokemon cards you would get when you went on holiday to turkey.
music is fantastic.
got online with the lads, trading, running about doing goofy shit and taking on raids.
tinkaton is a new fav mon.
yeah. POKEMON!