Total War still doesn't grab me, even with a theme I love. Feels far too bloated and 4X-ey which tears its focus between the overworked and the battle maps.

Probably the best JRPG I have ever played, and many years in the making. The combat and progression systems are incredibly unique and the story is excellent to the very end.

Most unique game I have played in a long time

Excellent deckbuilding roguelike

A guilty pleasure, RTS deckbuilder

Mysterious story driven roguelike deckbuilder, runs too long

Bloody excellent sandbox stealth game

3D factory logistics game that I'm never gonna finish

RTS cross action RPG that plays far too long and slow

Excellent co-op story experience

The Nexus of the gun and sword vr rhythmn game. Only 4 songs as of time of writing but they are damn fun

MetroidvaniaXSouls game with fun movement and a gimmick of limited time. Extremely fun!

A novel tactics game in a universe I love