This game didn't come to me at a good time, but at the same time, it did, I had just gotten laid off from work and continued to be in that situation for a month and a half, and my grandfather passed away a couple days after I bought it.
Playing this game definitely helped me through those times, but I'm not basing my thoughts on this game off of that alone, this game is also incredibly fun and challenging and it definitely deserved it's GotY award.
Not to mention, to me, this game is probably the most fun I've had with a Souls game since Dark Souls 3, hell, I'd say it's more fun that that game.
I've played this game a bunch of times after I beat it the first time and achieved all of the endings except for Immortal Severance, will probably try and achieve that ending sometime in the future.
Also, this game got updated a year later with a boss rush mode, something that a lot of Souls players have been wanting from a Souls game since the boss fights are some of the most fun that people have had with said games.

While the game is basically a less fun version of Sekiro, I still find the game's story and characters to be it's strongest asset, and of course, it's a great addition to the Star Wars saga.
I do, however, hope that if they do make more games that proceed this one that they decide to go with a more original gameplay style, because even though I love the game, the Dark Souls mechanic just doesn't work for games like this.

While I do agree that this game is better than Sonic Forces, I don't agree with the people that say that this is the best Sonic game ever made and that Sonic should've just stayed in 2D and that he never worked in 3D, because the character DOES work in 3D, it's just that newer 3D Sonic titles aren't really that great anymore and most people's opinions on 3D Sonic games are based off of the fact that the 3D Sonic games that worked have aged poorly, which I also disagree with, and I also think that this game is incredibly overrated, I mean, c'mon, this game is basically Sonic 1, 2, 3 and Knuckles, and CD, but with better graphics and a few new stages.
That being said, it's still a good game, I just wouldn't call it the best Sonic game.
And I'm not trying to mock people who like this game in any way, you are free to like this game if you want and you are also free to think that it's the best Sonic game, this is just my two cents worth.

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This is definitely one of my top favorite Zelda games of all time, The Legend of Zelda and RPG elements blend well together, also the addition of voice acting in this game is a most welcome inclusion, also BotW Zelda is best Zelda, don't @ me.
It's also cool that you can choose to go face off with Ganon right away and not have to get the Master Sword, free the Divine Beasts, and recover your memories beforehand, which means that you can beat the game right away if you wanted to, not saying it will be easy, but you certainly can.
Though I highly recommend playing the rest of the game before you even try to go after Ganon, because there's so much in this game to explore and the DLCs also add a lot more to the game with making the Master Sword more powerful and more useful to making your Champion Powers a lot more powerful and also, motorcycle...Need I say more?
It's also refreshing to see Nintendo take a much different approach to temples in this game, instead you have Divine Beasts and none of them really take that long to traverse, the only one I would say does take a while is Hyrule Castle, but that's pretty much it.
Also, to what I said earlier about this being their best interpretation of Zelda, I mean what I said, Zelda has more personality in this than in most of the other Zelda titles and she's also very relatable with how she feels like she's disappointing everyone and feels like there's a lot of weight on her shoulders to succeed, we've all been there.
Also, I believe that Link is the biggest chad in this game with how he's able to parry a Lynel that's charging at him at high speed and with how he's able to wield any type of weapon from swords to greatswords with ease, and also, being able to deflect a Guardian's beam back at them will never stop being satisfying, you are a fool if you say otherwise jk.
That being said, I can't wait for this game's sequel and with what new things it'll bring to their new formula.

I was so hyped for this game when it was announced and when I finally got my hands on the game, I was not disappointed, I enjoyed every second of this game, the City That Never Sleeps DLC, not so much, but it did build a lot of stuff up for Marvel's Spider-Man 2, so it did it's job, for the most part, would highly recommend.

While this game isn't as big as Marvel's Spider-Man, it still does a lot for what little runtime it has, plus all of the side content is really fun and quick to do.
Also, seeing Miles grow into his own independent Spider-Man is really engaging and definitely has me hyped for Marvel's Spider-Man 2

When I first played this game, I thought that it was very dull compared to it's future installments, but when I returned to it years later on the PC, my mind changed a lot, while the gameplay is pretty repetitive and some of the side missions just overstay their welcome, it's still quite an interesting beginning to a legendary series, not to mention Altair's character arc is still very engaging to this day.

Now this is when the series really started getting good imo, introducing us to one of the most legendary Assassins in the entire series, Ezio Auditore, a character who still stands as one of gaming's best protagonists, this game was the perfect way to set up his character for the next few installments to his trilogy.

This game still stands as my number one favorite Assassin's Creed game of all time, Ezio's character really shines in this game and the story really shines, as well, and seeing Ezio's mistake in letting Rodrigo go come back to bite him in the ass was really something and seeing him come to terms with his mistake throughout the game is also really good.
The side content of the game is really good and really fun, too.
The missions involving Cristina especially, those were very emotional to go through, not to mention, the Modern Day in this game is also really engaging and the ending is one of the things that left people on the edge of their seats waiting anxiously to play the next installment in the following year.

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While not being as memorable or fun as 2 or Brotherhood, Revelations does serve as the perfect end to Ezio's character arc and the perfect setup for what's going to come next for Desmond's character (this statement would not age well) not to mention, the ending scene where Ezio speaks to Desmond is enough to make a grown man cry.

While this was my first Assassin's Creed game and it did introduce me to the series, that doesn't really excuse all of it's problems.
Number One: The Modern Day is very boring, they treat Desmond very poorly, not to mention they rushed the ending where they kill Desmond off and build Juno up to be the new antagonist of the Modern Day, only to be killed off in a comic, this I heard from Founded Scarab.
Not to mention, they retconned the whole Lucy thing, in Revelations, Desmond clearly states that he had no control over killing her and that it was Juno that made him do it, but in this game, he says that he chose to do it.
Number Two: Okay, let's address the elephant in the room, and that's Connor, I used to really like his character back when I first played this game, but upon a recent replay, I REALLY don't like his character anymore, his goals are very noble and what he fights for is very noble, but the ways he goes about doing all of that are very questionable.
He's also a very naive character from start to finish, like even when Haytham, who upon replay has become my favorite character in this game, tries to convince him that the way he thinks is wrong, he doesn't listen, acting as a brick wall to all of Haytham's advice.
Number Three: I feel as if Connor is way too involved in historical events, like some are fine like the Battle of Bunker Hill and the Boston Massacre, but then there are the ones like Paul Revere's Ride, like why the fuck did Connor need to be there?
And I would be fine with the Boston Tea Party if Connor made some sort of effort to get at William Johnson and the other Templars, but nope, he thinks that he can just dump the tea and all is well, you moron! You're supposed to KILL the Templars, not TROLL the Templars!
On the upside, the soundtrack is really good and there are some good moments here and there, but overall, this has become one of the most disappointing Assassin's Creed games that I've played.

They ported this PSP game to the PS3 and 360 and then remastered it for the PS4 and Xbox One....Why?

While making a pirate stealthy is a pretty questionable choice, I still can't help, but fall in love with Black Flag's gameplay and atmosphere, they adapted the naval combat and made it free roam, what more could you ask for?
Not to mention the writing of this game is amazing and Edward's character arc is really engaging, seeing him go from a selfish pirate to a selfless Assassin is really cool to see, this game also harbors some of the most emotional scenes in Assassin's Creed history.
The Modern Day is nothing to write home about, but other than that, this game is definitely worth coming back to.

Adewale is definitely one of my favorite Black Flag side characters and seeing him get his own DLC entry is pretty cool, I only got around to playing this last year, so my opinion on it is pretty fresh.
The gameplay is pretty fun and seeing Adewale as an Assassin is pretty cool.
The story of this DLC is not something to write home about imo, but interesting nonetheless.

When I replayed this game recently for a marathon leading up to the release of Valhalla, I actually started liking it a bit more, that has changed.
I now see what everyone was talking about, the Assassins and Templars are basically just switched around now, to give Shay more of a reason to join the Templars, like they couldn't have made his change be about some disagreements or maybe he saw that the Brotherhood wasn't truly helping people and decided to leave them so that he could be more of a help to them?
Nope, the Assassins are assholes and the Templars are nice.
Not to mention, this game has a pointless tie-in with Unity that amounts to nothing in the end.
Another thing is that the game is basically Black Flag, but boring, how do you take a game like Black Flag and make it boring?!