I have a bit of a love/hate with the Uncharted franchise. Love the story and the exploration, but so bored with all of the constant gun fights and endless enemies.

This game is the one that really stood out to me and the one that I think got the recipe perfect.

This is the game that opened up my eyes to JRPGs. To this point I had only really played Western titles.

Quite simply this is a masterpiece. I've never played a game like this before or since.

The game that opened my eyes to RPGs. I got this game with my new PS3 because I had heard it was a great showcase for the graphic power of the console. With no idea that this game would change my life when it came to gaming.

Growing up in the 80s I had obviously heard of D&D and role playing, but it carried such a negative connotation (this was a different time people).

That moment you step out of the prison and you can just go and do whatever you want is still one of my favorite memories of gaming I will ever have.

I played this game at the beginning of the Covid outbreak and quarantine. It helped take my mind off of the terrifying reality we were living in.

To say this game was an escape for me would be an understatement.

One of the things I love about video games is companies are not afraid to try and create a new IP. Something sorely lacking with film production companies right now.

Zero Dawn reminded me so much of A New Hope as I was playing through it. An exciting and dangerous new world to discover through the eyes of a protagonist that is learning her way just as we are.

I've played through this game twice now and I'm sure I'll keep coming back to it again and again. The start to what looks to be one of the greatest video game franchises ever created.

This game bricked my PS3. I eventually finished it on my new PS3 slim.

For sure has its flaws but I think is a much better game than it gets credit for.

The only thing holding this back from being a masterpiece is the combat.

XC Definitive Edition got me interested in this world. But it was this title that had me hook line and sinker.

I'm still new to this world and learning all of its lore. I wish I could play both titles again before 3 comes out but I simply don't have the time.

To be continued...

I really hope other gaming companies take notes from CD Projekt RED in how to do DLC the right way.

I got my ass kicked in the Arcades on MKI. Got MKII on Sega Genesis and after getting it down none of my friends could beat me. Early sign that console gaming was going to be my thing

Still one of the best sports games I've ever played

I didn't complete this game. Certainly understand why people would love this, but I don't think I have the time required to really sink in to playing this.

I've gotten past Father Gascone (sp?), but for some reason I've never gone any further. I keep telling myself that I will but will I?

My first experience with a Portal game. The feeling you get when you figure out each puzzle is so satisfying. But combine that with the fantastic story (and Stephen Merchant!) and this game is a home run.

To be continued when the PS5 version comes out...