My review is this is the best video game ever made.

Basically my jaw was on the floor for the entire play through of this game. I'm still not sure it has sunk in how good this game really is. CD Project RED obviously took a hit with the release of Cyberpunk. That shouldn't take away from what they achieved with The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. The best open world action RPG ever created

I convinced my poor Mom to buy this game for me for Christmas. Sorry Mom I know how much this game disturbed you but I'm fine it's all good

The only reason I got Xenoblade Chronicles was...
(1) I loved RPGs
(2) I owned a Switch
(3) Persona 5 opened up my eyes to JRPGS

I'm so glad I did because Xenoblade Chronicles has quickly become one of my favorite video game franchises.

This is a must play for any Star Wars fan whether you are a gamer or not. A great entry into the Star Wars canon

Hot damn that ending!

I can't wait to see where this franchise goes. A lot of love went in to making this game. Holy shit that combat..

Fallout 4 felt like a game that could have been a masterpiece of gaming if it just had a little more time in the oven.

It's still a great game and a lot of fun to play.

I'm so close to finishing this game. I recently moved so have to pause to finish until my new place is setup.

Still I'm confident enough to give this 5 stars. It's also the best graphics in a video game ever period! I mean hot damn is this game gorgeous

This is still one of the best times I've ever had playing a game. People like to crap on Assassin's Creed, but this is one of the greatest games ever created.

The saying is you always love the first From Software game the most, and they couldn't be more right.

I know that Dark Souls took this format to the next level, but Demon's Souls will always hold a special place in gaming for me.

You get to play as a Pirate and an Assassin. Yes please...

My very first game to play on my new PS4. So much fun I will always remember that moment

Bethesda please for the love of God remaster this game. Please, please, please!!!!!!!

I accidentally started playing this thinking it was XC2. It was so good that I didn't notice something was off until like 15 hours in.

I eventually figured it out and played XC2 and then came back and finished this. The ending of this game is a gut punch