weird game bruh, what does it mean lol, shooting is good tho and lighting engine is very realistic and impressive for a 2005 title. I may or may not have been jump scared on a few occasions.


Very solid, definitely has a learning curve and is not really friendly to newbies at all, even after finishing the game, feel like there’s a lot of systems i could have delved into but didn’t. Combat clearly has quite a bit of depth and is quite unique but not sure the bosses or normal enemies really make the most of the combat system, like as far as normal enemies go there really isn’t a great deal of difference when it comes to like my strategy when dealing with em. There’s afew exceptions for sure but point still stands. Also i think the boss design is mostly very hit or miss, like i’m really not sure i’m looking forward to fighting any of the bosses again on new game plus which is kind of a shame and also there’s a good few of them that can be genuine BS man, i’m talking hit boxes, random shit hitting me off screen and then just absurd mechanics and health bars. But like combat never got old and the art design is mostly cool, i was just wearing ninja gear the whole game cuz i wanted to look cool, there’s some like cool stupid shit that happens in the story but ain’t nobody playin this for that so eh, overall a good game but slightly generic i could say and not sure how memorable this game will be to me.

Managed to finish the story pretty quickly, it was ok, i didnt really connect with any characters or find any of them very memorable, its better than the BF2 campaign but its still just a completely average star wats story in my opinion. I do enjoy the gameplay and the feeling of being in that cockpit is just really cool. The visuals as well are really nice, the lighting especially is so clean and the way it creates these beautiful dynamic shadows and shines of of surfaces is gorgeous. Ive yet to try the larger scale game mode for the multiplayer tho. The customisation is kind of alright? But there isn’t really a great sense of progression. Its fun but i enjoy battlefront 2 more 🤷‍♂️.

This review contains spoilers

After completing it i cannot stop thinking about the game. The game has made me feel things i have never felt before. In some ways its its an absolute masterclass while in others its borderline sickening. Its the most miserable game i have ever played and i think that’s exactly what naughty dog were aiming for. Its undeniably one of the most emotional stories thats ever been told. I understand what naughty dog were trying to do and the more i think about it the more i like the game. Joels death was heartbreaking even though hes an incredibly flawed human being and for him to be killed so unceremoniously is horrible to watch but i think it really works as a hook into ellies story and it really gives you as the player the motivation to go out with ellie for vengeance. And if you take the flashbacks we are given into account its even more powerful and tragic. When joel and ellie return to Jackson after their life changing adventure in the first game, joel an extremely broken man finally finds purpose in ellie. However when ellie starts fitting in at jackson she no longer really has a need for joel and we see how joel awkwardly tries to repair their relationship and its hard not to feel bad for joel. Ellie is the last thing joel has and he desperately doesn’t want to lose her. This relationship is only worsened by joels lie which ellie soon sees past. She threatens to leave jackson if joel doesnt tell her the truth. Joel, desperate for ellie to stay admits the truth and ellie is devastated by it and tells joel to stay away from her. A Heartbreaking moment for joel. But he regrets that he didnt let ellie live the life she wanted. And the irony is that even in death joel still does this, the fact that ellie never got the opportunity to repair their relationship and forgive joel which is the reason that ellie so badly wants revenge so when she is about to kill abby by forgiving her she is also forgiving joel and now thats shes done that theres no reason for her to kill abby thus ending the “cycle of violence” The real theme of the game is forgiveness not revenge. Its not until a year later that ellie finally talks to joel again and it just so happens to be the day before his death. The two talk and ellie suggest that she wants to work towards forgiveness (just thinking about this beautiful scene gets me teary) joel is overwhelmed with happiness that it draws him to tears and thats the last time the two speak. Ellies revenge isnt just about avenging someone she loved. It was the fact that she never got the opportunity to repair that relationship. Abby represents an opposite of ellie, she is avenging someone she loved. Abby is an evil person and i believe she is to be hated but the fact that she lost her father to joel is understandable. Abby eventually realises that killing joel changed nothing and didnt help her pain at all. However the second abby section of the game is far too long and is not as interesting as the ellie one also i think the story would have benefited from less flashbacks and more stuff told in chronological order, this simple change would add so much more tension and the structure of the game wouldn't be so muddled which in turn would help the games pacing . Its one of the most memorable experiences i expect i will ever have as far as the entertainment industry goes, it will traumatise you and upset you to the point where you feel like quitting. Neil clearly wanted to try something new after the last of us. That being said the game of course is visually beautiful and the world building is excellent, the sound design is impeccable: from the shriek of a clicker echoing through a subway tunnel to the crunch of the shotgun. The soundtrack is also brilliant my boy Gustavo has teamed up with Mac Quayle from Mr robot and they have created something on par with the original. Its good to note though that Gustavo did the best tracks lol. The gameplay is very engaging, the exploration is fascinating and levels are often very open and extremely detailed. The combat is brutal and intense and the enemy designs are often terrifying, wether its the whistling of the cult like seraphytes or the slow intense engagements with groups of infected stalkers. The 1 on 1 melee fights are cool too and the brutality here is clocked up to 11. Another surprising thing that you might not expect from a naughty dog game are the genuinely well done boss fights. Confrontations with the overhauled infected bloaters are super intense and there is another encounter later on in the game with a new kind of infected that gets your heart pumping and keeps you moving, its very reminiscent of something out of resident evil. Overall i respect the game for what it was trying to do and i really like some parts of it but overall the plot is a bit of a mess and im not sure if i could recommend the game to anyone because it gets you so depressed but if you are feeling up to it, play it.

For an early stepping stone in an action game franchise, mechanically its quite impressive. Simple but very fun and entertaining progression that doesn't overstay its welcome, save from a few frustrating pacing killing sections and repeated bosses.
Its also goofy as hell, a lot of the dialogue is preciously hilarious so don't take it too seriously.

The most interesting parts of this game are what i read about in an article, the art is really nice too but it’s lacking personality in my opinion or some sort of sauce to mix it up a lil, average kind of metroidvania with some really frustrating platforming.

Played this for a while but then watched my brother play through most of the game and idc that humour is subjective or whatever, this wasn’t funny man, i laughed at 1 point where jack black appears but the rest is schlock.
The gameplay is essentially just a poor mans doom without the polish and without the innovative mechanics.

The unintentional mastapiece. This is the dumbest game i have ever played but because of that its also the funniest game Ive ever played. The story is pretty basic but the characters are what make it memorable, raiden is way better here, jetstream sam is actually a great character and ofc senator armstrong who is so fucking funny and the stuff he says during the final boss made me laugh so hard. This game is really dumb and over the top but it embraces those things and the dumb shit becomes some of the best things about the game. The combat is freaking badass and the bosses especially are the highlights of the game, they are long, sweaty, high octane, fuckin nuts to buts showdowns with badass music. These boss fights are challenging and i died numerous time to lots of them. The final boss alone is literally an hour long, fuck its good lol.

Finished replaying this for the first time in years and despite it being fairly aged, i ended up appreciating and enjoying it way more than i did the first time i played through it.
There’s just something so impressive about being able to completely build a new universe from the ground up to me, especially one that is this detailed and well thought out. Best way i can describe this games general feel is how It feels to watch “new hope.” nowadays. There’s just such a fantastic feeling of iconography and nostalgia. The simple, colourful character designs and costumes of ur crew are kind of genius.
The actual gameplay isn’t particularly complex or engaging but i do feel as if the game makes up for it with a very gripping feeling of immersion. The mako is annoying and the gunplay will feel especially clunky unless you are playing on the remastered version (which i did.) The dialogue wheel was revolutionary at the time, and nowadays no RPG really has attempted to match the system.
The main draws for this series in general are the universe/world building and the character writing/dialogue and something i wasn’t expecting is how well the writing in this game holds up today, it’s actually full of good humour, especially if you go renegade. But i was more surprised at how relevant many of the political discussions within the game really were. The universe is ridiculously entertaining but importantly as well it is tangible.
Fantastic Game 8/10


One of the most terrific achievements in video gaming history, a lot is owed to this game.
A timeless piece of art in my books.

The best transformers game, no cap. Platinum games (creators of metal gear rising and bayonetta) have again created a fun high octane, blood pumping action hack and slash while also paying homage to the classic 80s G1 cartoon, the combat and bosses are phenomenally fun. Combat feels satisfying and unique from platinums other games. Music is real cool, and that starscream/megatron abusive relationship is Fuckin funny. Underrated and under appreciated game.

Great Game, terrific atmosphere and art direction. It only took me 8hrs to complete and and i was still waiting for it to end at times, meaning the pacing can get pretty bad, especially later on in the game. The opening chapters are masterful tho.

One of the best games ever made, period. Excellent characters, Snake, ocelot and The Boss being the highlights. An amazing OST. The stealth gameplay at first u have to get used to but when you do its alot of fun and there is a surprising amount of depth and hidden things that the game doesn’t tell you how to do. When you actually get the basics of CQC down its very satisfying to use. Also theres is a bunch of hidden details and secrets that you can find in the game, like secret ways to defeat bosses, hidden items and hidden cutscenes. The bosses are great with the final boss being the best. The game still looks decent surprisingly and the cinematography is what you would expect from Kojima. Its probably the best bond movie.

This is a truly epic game. Its got to be one of the best open world games ive played. Its contending with the world of skyrim as the best in my opinion. For one the art direction is absolutely stunning, the lighting, foliage, use of colour and weather effects make it visually one of my favourite games. The actual exploration is what makes it tho, visual cues like smokestacks, animals trying to get your attention, random citizens letting you in on a rumour and the wind lead you to mystical shrines or hidden grottoes holding secret stories or items. There is no mini map in the corner of the screen telling you where to go and there is no level gating which is a huge win. Side quests for the most part are also very well done. Some lead to encounters and circumstances that are completely unique to those side quests. A simple rescue mission became a whole lot more interesting when you got to sail out onto a mongolian ship for the first time. Each side quest is unique and hold their own intriguing side stories. There arent 10+ rescue missions or 20+ fetch quests. The game also houses side stories to characters from the main quest which are all very engaging and often as cinematic as the main quest, they also let you in on their characters a little more, the best form of side quests though in my opinion are the Mythic tales which have you tracking down Ancient samurai techniques and tools, theres nothing cooler than hearing a poet at an inn telling the story of a Legendary Samurai’s flaming sword at the top of a mountain peek and then climbing this huge mountain in a perilous blizzard to discover the truth of this old tale. Now onto the main quest, this is where we start to get into a-few complaints, the plot is pretty basic, stop the mongol invasion, which is ok because it means that we could focus on the characters alot more, this is where the game falters, the characters are relatively generic and a little dull at times. The main character Jin has good character development and a good arc but he doesn’t really have much of a personality compared to someone like Geralt from the witcher. The story still has some great moments though, there are twists, betrayals, huge battles, the villian is very serviceable and the ending is really good. Now that we have gotten past the worst thing, lets talk about the combat. The combat in this game is kind of god tier? The moment to moment samurai sword combat never got old, its full of depth, variety and “badassery“ and the game does get challenging at points but not by just making enemies spongier or “higher level” but by actually making the enemies harder to fight to test and increase the skill of the player. Im going to cut this review short because i could talk about this game for a long time but know that i could have talked about, how the soundtrack is my favourite from this year, the terrific audio design, awesome boss battles, the armour and weapon customisation or even the decisions you can make to alter the story. This is an amazing game and a great final addition to the terrific library of the ps4. What a game, what a console.