Miles Morales simply fucking rules

Holy. Shit.

Edit: Unless SMTV knocks my socks off, NEO The World Ends With You is very much my Game Of The Year. It's easy to mess up a sequel with this much time between releases, especially one as long awaited as this, but NEO was more than up for it. Perfectly translates the combat's style and flow while upping its ante and keeping the unorthodox controls. In my perfect world the sequel's already greenlit and we get more of this world and its beautiful characters, but the world ends with you.

It's so good. I have no words for how godamn good it was. Props to Toby and his team, I cannot physically contain how excited I am for more.

EDIT: Used my older computer to do Weird Route. Toby Fox is the best edgy chuuni writer we have in the game, folks.

Liked it a good deal more than the first one. New powers were good, overworld was big and beautiful, good balance of throwbacks and new stuff. Mental worlds were all top notch. Only real issue was the early combat sections didn't feel good because enemies have too much health but that evens itself out quickly enough.

Uchikoshi has such a strange voice that I love so much. Sigma is such a shithead and only ever acts like a huge jerk to most characters yet somehow is incredibly endearing. The character-focused endings are cool even if some endings don't actually synch up with the characters they're ostensibly related to.

Nobody ever talks about how good the character designs are, probably because of how stiff and ugly the models in the actually game are. 2D sprites forever.

I liked this so much when it dropped, recently replayed it and ended up extremely soured on it. Most of Bioshock's, and by extension System Shock's, DNA is gone and replaced with a narrative that's too tame and gameplay too simple. There are some great things here, the anachronistic music, the world design, Songbird's design, but a lot of it ends up mired in social commentary the game doesn't have the balls to really dig into. All that said I'd play another game in Columbia, maybe one far more decayed and mired in conflict like Rapture was, but I'm chalking this one down as one of the biggest disappoints of its generation.

One of the all-time best villains in the RGG canon. A lot more I could say but really it was just such an incredible experience.

Got the plat. Excellent way to start next-gen. Builds on all the best aspects of the series since Tools Of Destruction. Rivet and Kit are so wonderful! As a hardcore fan I might write more later but it's almost 7AM oops!

In the brief:
-amazing loot system, i love how much it rewards taking risks and exploring the four levels
-coolest art direction in arkane's extremely impressive catalogue, in my opinion. art deco meets cerebral bourne-esque thriller is a winning combo
-guns look really good, shooting felt great
-performance was immaculate
-i got the bad ending by accident ):
-the hitman style kills that started in dishonored do not feel as elaborate or fun to pull off as they were there, in fact most of my kills of the targets were direct combat where i barrel stuffed them with a shotgun or smg
-the magic feels wonkier and less accurate than it did in dishonored, esp shift/blink which has never felt as responsive as it did in dishonored 1
-cherami leigh's character was so attractive i started smoking cigarettes again

Forgot to log, good cross between something like the Tales seried with some good character action gameplay. Cast and story didn't grab me but I bought it to tide me over till NEO TWEWY dropped so I may have just not been able to engage, gonna try and finish later.

Everyday an Orc throws a rock at me on the strider ride home because my eggs (I eat seven kwama eggs on my commute) smell so bad. If only he were to know, that I were nerevarine...

I think I liked this better than any of the Mass Effect sequels, lmfao. The Guardian's kits are eally fun and they synergize well, even if it's a little shallow. Setpieces were all fantastic, Eidos Montreal clearly did their homework on how to do "cinematic" stuff after the far more ludic Deus Ex games. If you like these characters, especially the James Gunn versions, you'll enjoy the hell out of this.

Edit: Bumped to 4 stars over 3.5, felt a little too low for something I think I enjoyed better than any of the Mass Effect sequels.

Delivering opiates to the last bastions of humanity in a dying world to absolve yourself of all the people you let down. When you feel broken, the only thing that feels good is making other people feel fixed. Sam escapes his past by being who his people need him to be, taking on their burdens until his knees buckle and he's covered in mud. That we could all be so selfless.

A mind-bending trip into the mind of a /cgl/ poster.