I don't know how long it took to rewrite the whole journal as well as every dialogue response for a low intelligence character but I appreciate it nonetheless

Hotseat is definitely the best way to experience multiplayer games, this is a fact that cannot be disproven. In more popular, primitive outings a player is limited to using their voice, or more appallingly, written words (yep it's true, look it up). Not being cavemen, however, many people have realized the great benefits that the sense of touch provides to competitive vidya gems. What does a person do after seeing thousands of skeletons stacked at their city gates? Resort to petty deceivery? Beg? Accept defeat? They make full use of their mouths of course, for this is how heroes are made - not through reckless acts of tomfoolery but pragmatism and adaptability (homies using teeth are forced to play inferno next round though, I don't make the rules).

"civilian penalty" is more of a suggestion than a warning

I would reject any god for a nekomata

it's still the best thing with metal gear in name no matter the avalanches of cope

yumi being easy mode really says a lot about society

virgin republic soldiers that think war is "SRS BSNS" and spout "muhh simulations" garbage really shit themselves in the presence of superior droidekas


when you gotta do a fetch quest in town so you count inside your head just how many loadings of eternityTM you'll have to go through


you should be looking for a boyfriend not playing with your dad's weapon