Like F.E.A.R, but good.

I remember abandoning this a very very long time ago.

I dont really know what to say about this game apart from the fact that I love it and I think everyone should play it.

The game begins really greatly. I must say, this is my absolute favorite version of the Master Chief. The cinematics are so well crafted and they portray them so well. The weapons feel good, the gameplay is awesome. Everything is great, until you enter the open world. I was kind of disappointed. Halo open world? Does not sound like a good idea, and I was really confused, I at first didn't know what the main objective was. Not only that, but I began to have some massive graphical issues. Textures just don't load. The only info I could find about it online was "It runs weird in some graphic cards" And yes, it does. Not only that, but it gave me TWO BLUE SCREENS, no, not just a crash, a fucking blue screen.
However, despite this issues, when I understood what was the main objective and just got directly to the point, I must admit: I was beginning to have wayyy more fun than I expected. The gameplay is just great, and I must admit that the main reason for that is the grappling hook. I simp for this thing. I generally like grappling hooks but this one must be one of my favorites, the momentum you can build and the learning curve is awesome. It really makes sense in Halo.
I was having a blast, and this all peaked in the level "House of reckoning, which is probably the most fun I've had in any Halo, but sadly also where the fun ends. After the first two big rooms it was fucking amazing and it was greatly rising my perception on this game, but at the third big room it just... fell. A boss comes in, horrible boss. Then another boss. Horrible. Then some more meh gameplay in the next level and the final boss. Seriously, I dont think I can recall a Halo boss ever being good, and this was not the exception.
So yeah, a game with great ups and horrible downs.

Played like 4 years ago, wont rate.

As a first time player in 2023: Really enjoyed it, it shows its age, specially in the camera and when performing precise movement, but the way Mario moves and most of the levels and characters are really charming.

Looks to be pretty much the same as the first one and I found the first one to be mid. Such a pain in the ass that they decided to obligate you to purchase all of them to play one.

As a person who only cares about the campaign in halo games, and as a person who is only now in 2023 getting into the series, I don't get the hate for this game. Halo CE and 2 are my favorite ones and I also liked Reach a lot, Halo 3 was for me kind of mid, and this game is alright. I dont know if they really fucked up in the multiplayer but this game is not bad compared to the others in the series.

Outside of that being a common thing to think while playing, it is a pretty good game.



Cool, funny, short game.

After eight hours and multiple murder attempts, I am terrified to say... there is no LESBIAN SEX. Not even that, there is no kissing either, the max there is is getting eated, which I mean... its fine, but not enough. This is a sad days for girls (like me) who want to kiss other girls (like me).

Ok but now seriously, the writing is amazing, but it just tells nothing and it serves only to unnecessarily extend the duration of the story. It tells 3 stories that are almost literally the same, and they are not really great. They could all be summed up as: You are in the forest, encounter a girl, get in love with them and then they kill you because "Oh no I need to be with you forever!".
It just speaks nothing to me. It is a well done game but I just feel like it was a bit of a waste of time.

runs like shit (in my computer) and there is no option to lower the resolution which is incredibly stupid.