Gaming Playlist

Stand-out music I really love! Limiting the list to a max of 3 songs per game, and all songs are hyperlinked. I'm not a music expert, so please forgive me if I mis-genre anything. This list is still a work-in-progress!

The OST is the perfect lo-fi study playlist. Ambient, chill, and lonely. \\
Sleeper Variant | Among Ruins | Ember's Wake
No surprise a game about music has good music! High-energy and easy to bob your head along to. \\
Vamplified | King Conga Kappa (King Conga Remix)
Like everything else about Danganronpa, the soundtrack is fun and flashy. Gets the energy going and raises the stakes. \\
Scrum Debate
Grim and haunting. This isn't a power fantasy - it's a fight for survival, and every encounter might be your last. \\
Breath of the Moon | Desperation
Excellent battle themes that I could listen to on loop for hours. Upbeat and triumphant. \\
March to Deliverance | With Mila's Divine Protection
This soundtrack has such a feeling of, I want to say momentum? I can just imagine the energy in the courtroom, that feeling of blowing a hole right in the middle of a case, from these songs. \\
Confess the Truth (Adventure Version) | Objection!
Moving, evocative, and hauntingly beautiful. Perfectly engineered in a lab to elevate each scene and hit you right in the heart. \\
Everybody's Crying | Giselle | Hex
I don't know how to describe this other than it sounds like indie JRPG music. In a good way! It's funky and makes me smile. \\
Get Ready, Everyone! | Do You Remember
Mili's range in "To Kill a Living Book" is phenomenal, with a focus on jazz that explores other genres to bring to life characters and their motivations. \\
Poems of a Machine | Children of the City | String Theocracy
As with Library of Ruina, Mili's range and ability to portray characters through music is amazing. Shows a great love and understanding for the source material inspiring each of the Sinners. \\
Between Two Worlds | Compass | Fly, My Wings
The fusion of Japanese and German, both language and aesthetics, creates a beautiful and distinct soundtrack that punches above its weight class. \\
Kürbis Märchen
Second Warning in particular is such a great beat. Raises my blood pressure. Everyone's dying and I'm probably gonna have to reset, but at least I get to listen to this banger. \\
Second Warning | Tiphereth Suppression
Very ambient, every song sells the sense of place really well. The whole soundtrack spans a wide variety of tone and elevates the presentation. \\
Aultre Venus
My favourite game soundtrack hands down. Not one song is a miss. The gold standard for JRPG music. Stunning. \\
Normal Battle I | The Journey for Truth Ends
Omori effortlessly bounces between whimsical and haunting across its soundtrack. When it wants to be silly it's silly, but when it needs to it knows when to be serious. \\
World's End Valentine | OMORI
Captures the loneliness and beauty of space really well. Sad and somber. \\
Black Market Bazaar ~ Silk Oasis
Fun hip-hop that smacks you over the head that this was made in the mid-2000s. \\
Heartful Cry | Iwatodai Dorm | Changing Seasons
Fun J-pop, gives Persona 4 a unique light-hearted tone compared to Persona 3 and 5. \\
Time to Make History | Snowflakes
Is it really a surprise I would include Persona 5 in a list about good music? Jazzy and rebellious, gets you in the mood to overthrow society! Or maybe watch anime teens do that instead. \\
Rivers in the Desert | Last Surprise
Amazing opening theme for the same reason as Little Goody Two Shoes. Really high production value and not something I would have expected for an RPGMaker game. \\
This is only the regular battle theme? Sells the digital/technological setting. \\
Battle for Survival
Really beautiful music across its soundtrack, but I wanted to highlight Within the Dream specifically because of when this song plays. Heartbreaking and bittersweet. \\
Within the Dream
Relaxing, ambient, chill. Like Citizen Sleeper, the soundtrack makes for a great study playlist, but the tone is a lot happier. \\
Summer (Nature's Crescendo)
Beautiful send-off to the themes this game built up over the course of its runtime. \\


2 months ago

citizen sleeper's ost blew me away, it's mixed so well, such immersion

2 months ago

Stardew Valley OST is just such a vibe. I just wanna get outthere and farm some parsnips man.

2 months ago

Shout out to parsnips on god ^^

2 months ago

Citizen Sleeper and Stardew Valley are the perfect dynamic duo of cozy and atmospheric vibes. The secret is to add both soundtracks to one big playlist on shuffle.

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