253 Reviews liked by slimedotcom

Story's insanely hit or miss, with like one good scene in between every few ass ones. Main cast is either some of the best written and well developed characters in a JRPG (namely junpei and yukari) or so simple and underdeveloped it's comical (most everyone else). Painfully dull like fifty percent of the time.

If you complain about the tactics system tho you're a massive dumbass. Coming from someone who doesn't like tactics based combat, I can say there's basically nothing wrong with this games combat. Just dont be dumb.

also nobody cares about the answer lol

i love everything about this game besides playing it. i absolutely hate playing it

Can't believe treasure looked at sin and punishment 1 and said "what if we made it better".

EVERYTHING is better. The game looks better, though that is a given, as the original was an N64 game and this is a Wii game. But both games have a stellar art style. The game PLAYS better, which more intuitive controls, better stages and even cooler bosses (the last stage 6 boss and the entirety of stage 7 especially dude holy shit). Surprisingly, the game even sounds better; I did not think they would be able to top Yamanaka's work on S&P1's soundtrack. DEFINITELY play this, if you enjoy rail shooters or good games in general.

Not as influential as the first game

Security system TAKES CONTROL OF SQUIDWARD'S HOUSE and begins ATTACKING THE CITY, leaving the mayor to give Squidward community service for the damage he caused, EVEN THOUGH Spongebob and Patrick were in his house the WHOLE FUCKING TIME, and were responsible for EVERYTHING! GAAH! FUCK THIS EPISODE! This episode is when the Squidward torture porn started to become a regular staple in Spongebob's episodes and this one is one of the meanest, cruelest, and just plain unfair of them all. All Squidward wanted to do is enjoy one day to himself, but that can NEVER HAPPEN when he lives next to Spongebob and Patrick, can it?

shut the fuck up quildewivy you like fate/stay night. you would not know what good writing is even if it rammed you at light speed

It's clunky and old. It's pointlessly provocative. It's comically edgy. It's incredibly tedious. It's programmed like dogass. It's one of the most fun and memorable PC games ever made.

The most fun part of this game by far is just kicking NPCs and watching them flail around hopelessly



some of yall are writing detailed reviews on fucking pong of all things

i played this game as doug walker