Games With Terrific Final Bosses

Because I gotta get the yin to the yang

Only counting Gerhman for this one, Moon Presence is underwhelming.
Vergil boss fights are pure kino.
Whether the titular Hollow Knight with its sombre music, or the Radiance with her overpowering offense, this game ends on a great high.
They basically did a re-do of the Yakuza 5 final boss, only this time with a better written character and an updated engine.
What a way to end Solid Snake's saga!
Raven Beak felt like a boss fight from a character action game, and it was awesome.
Otakemaru is such an improvement over the first game's final boss, it's almost a wonder they were made by the same developers.
Nameless God with his godlike lines and godlike OST.
The Glock Saint is a force to be reckoned with.
Both Lao Gui and Shibusawa are great bookends to this amazing journey.


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