Games With Terrific Final Bosses

Because I gotta get the yin to the yang

Whether the titular Hollow Knight with its sombre music, or the Radiance with her overpowering offense, this game ends on a great high.
Only counting Gerhman for this one, Moon Presence is underwhelming.
Both Lao Gui and Shibusawa are great bookends to this amazing journey.
The Glock Saint is a force to be reckoned with.
Raven Beak felt like a boss fight from a character action game, and it was awesome.
What a way to end Solid Snake's saga!
They basically did a re-do of the Yakuza 5 final boss, only this time with a better written character and an updated engine.
Vergil boss fights are pure kino.
Otakemaru is such an improvement over the first game's final boss, it's almost a wonder they were made by the same developers.
Nameless God with his godlike lines and godlike OST.


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