This game was very fun, and the story was charming. It does an amazing job of keeping you interested with so much to do. The worse thing about this game is, once you finish every aspect of it 100%, there will never be anything left to do. You’ll just walk around in levels where you can’t do anything. So at that point you might as well close it and never open it again, or restart it if you really want.

This is quite possibly one of the best of Nintendo’s “forgotten” games. It’s the single player shooter genre done right. It’s a rail shooter, which was pretty new to Nintendo at the time, with Star Fox being the only attempt at the genre they’ve done before. It didn’t receive an english translation until 2007, 7 years after the games release. Sadly, everyone will have to admit that the voice acting work is terrible in this game. It sounds fanmade. The subtitles also haven’t been translated, which sucks, as it’s hard to hear what the VAs are saying from time to time. But this game also tells a compelling story, and has the challenge to keep you hooked. The game isn’t the longest (only took me about 3 hours in total to finish) but it’s still a fun play. Is it worth the $12? That’s honestly for you to decide. Maybe wait for Nintendo to announce N64 Switch Online and play it on there, if you’re not really sure about it now.

Good collection of some good games. It can get slow at times but overall is very good.

A pretty solid game in a great series. Definitely don’t skip over this one.

An okay game on it’s own, but it’s brought down by the fact that it kinda ruins any and all development from the previous entry in favor of having the series’ mascot return as the protagonist.

Very solid case. It’s a bit longer than most other cases but it’s really fun.

Good game! One of the best in the series.

Decent game. Personally it feels better as a set-up to the sequel than as it’s own game, but it’s still good fun on its own.

Great game. Surpasses expectations set by sequel and is very fun in general. I first played it on the Xbox 360 when I was younger, and it’s still fun to play on my PC even now, after having played it multiple times.

Cheap but fun. Story and gameplay aren’t too great, but there are some really great elements that make the already small price more than worth it.

It’s really good, even when compared to other Zelda games. Probably one of my favorites.

I re-completed this game over and over when I was younger. It’s hard to describe just how amazing it is, and I won’t be trying to. But I felt the need to actually write something about the game, just because of how much it impacted me while playing and even today.
Batman: Arkham City does absolutely everything right. There’s no element which feels unneeded or like too much, and there’s nothing missing either. It’s a great example of amazing media and I hope it’s never forgotten, because we are likely never getting a game quite like this ever again.

It can be fun, or maybe I’m just biased from nostalgia. Who knows.