Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot.

This game is.. wow. Satisfying gameplay, characters you care about, so much to unpack here. Just a shame it was released in the wrong time period.

Thank you Respawn! Hope you revisit the TF franchise someday, again.

A great FPS from Rockstar Games.

Story beats were amazing, and the refined bullet time mechanic from previous Max Payne games is just a chef's kiss. Still yet to see a game that offers gameplay like MP3 does.

Horizon: Zero Dawn is the second game I've played on my PS4. I remember being stunned by the visuals, and the robotic atmosphere was both mesmerizing and terrifying.

The campaign itself was very memorable, although some bits did tend to drag on.
I'm not so impressed by the open world genre though. It feels overused at this point. But H:ZD is still a great game.

I'll be honest.. I never had a console before in my life, so when I got my PS4, this is the game I booted up and got heavily invested into first.

Seeing Ellie and Joel strengthen their relationship throughout the game, as they try and survive the apocalyptic environment around them was a sight for sure.

Despite the oversaturation of the Zombie genre, this game stands out. And it's easy to see why.

Community server browser, mod support, unique characters, and a well-written narrative is what made me fall in love with L4D2.

Halo 3: ODST is a spin-off title of Halo 3.

Despite the similarities between the two titles, I actually ended up enjoying this campaign a lot more over Halo 3. The dark & gritty atmosphere, and compelling narrative is what attracted me the most.

Halo 3 is a decent installment in the Halo franchise. Awesome campaign, clean visuals, and its multiplayer mode which still holds up to this day.

I still prefer Halo 2 though in terms of the campaign.

Meh.. not impressed.

CE: Anniversary got a lot of improvemenets and bug fixes over time, but it's still lacking polish. Feels lazy to me IMO.

Halo 2 but amped up to 11.

Great cinematics by Blur, awesome visuals & post-processing effects and the ability to change between the classic & remastered version at will. What else could you ask for?

Best. Goddamn. Campaign.

Words alone cannot express how much I love this installment. Definitely recommend!

Halo: Reach..
Some folks dislike it, but the campaign actually turned out to be quite fun. Packs a good punch, for sure.

Combat Evolved is a great Halo game. Nothing too phenomenal nowadays, but it stood the test of time for sure.

My least favourite campaign in the Halo trilogy though.

I didn't know a simple game about lightbulbs was this.. complex and emotional.

I had tons of fun. Definitely recommend :)


A truly timeless classic. I especially enjoyed the final episode, Dimension of the Machine. Thank you id Software and Machine Games!

Journey is a masterpiece of a game. Words alone cannot express how artistic this game is.