I 100 %ed it on ps4, got it on PC, S ranked the first mission and refunded it.

Super casual survival horror game with really good vibes and PSX aesthetics. I recommend this to anyone looking to dip their toes into survival horror. It was a bit too casual for me but hard mode was added in the middle of my playthrough so maybe give that a try if you're familiar with the genre.

Funnier than Dark Souls 1 and 3 but suffers in the quality of gameplay. It's very fun with a friend since you will share the suffering or stupidity of the game.

Genuinely, this was the most unfun & disappointing experience I had in a game. I was looking forward to playing it but the game takes every opportunity to rob any fun I have with frustrating bosses and frustrating underlying systems for dying too much. The worst part is the pity system pretending to toss me a bone but it has been consistently activating when I have like 2 coins, thanks game I needed that.

Too damn short, gets TWO stars extra when the DLC comes out.

Miserable personalised experience of getting hard-locked & robbed. YOU might have a better time than me. I love the style and music, exploration is nice. But my time was hampered due to a hard lock going from EA to full release.

If you loved 1, you will like 2. Unfortunately, it's not as hard as the Road to Gehenna DLC until you get to the gold puzzles.

If I'd rate Dragon's Dogma 1 as the best 5/10 game I've played, I'd rate Dragon's Dogma 2 as the best fucking 7/10 game I've played.

Where this game peaks is its combat & exploration. You'll be doing this primarily throughout the game.

Your attacks feel like you put real force behind them and your pawns aid you to make you shine as the Arisen. I primarily played as Warrior vocation which is good in this game compared to DD1. I also messed around with Thief & Archer and those feel good to play too.

Enemy variety is on par with DD1 however, you'll be fighting goblins, humans, harpies and a lot of rock lizards. The real highlight is the improved bosses. Every time you run into a big monster it's an event that raises the tension. When the music kicks in when you knock it down, it's the best feeling that's nigh indescribable.

Exploration is chill & enjoyable. You can go off the beaten quest any time and explore your surroundings, you may find a cave, abandoned fortress or some monsters on your way. It's the best type of game going in blind.

Negatives I have for this game are the performance and the way "romance" is handled.

The performance is pretty bad, it wasn't unplayable but it was hard getting a consistent framerate going. After a while, I didn't mind but it's an adjustment period.

You can romance anyone in the game, which is giving a bunch of gifts they like and the eternal bond ring (wedding ring). If you don't choose to engage with the romance, the game will still pick a NPC that you have the deepest bond with. For me, I got an elf milf but she was already married like, dog no don't do that. Weirdest system in the game.

All-in-all the core game is a solid experience with some rough edges, in the same way 1 was but much more expanded to allow for open exploration and better combat.

Good game mixing guns with Tony Hawk's gameplay. It may be hard to balance the two genres both from a design perspective and a player's perspective but I think it achieves its goals if you spend enough time with it.

The gameplay is serviceable to a fault. It's mid.
Game is pretty as hell don't get me wrong but you'll get more enjoyment out of other games released two decades ago.

Orphan of Kos was the only one I had severe trouble with but the rest of the DLC is pretty good.

A game that would bankrupt a studio nowadays.

It is a bit slow halfway through, but the game becomes much better in the second half, especially if you do Komaki's training and the Colosseum fights.

Infinite Wealth takes what 7(Yakuza: Like a Dragon) did and runs with it, a robust amount of gameplay improvements, a new setting that keeps things fresh, new classes and new party members along with returning ones with some of the best writing I've seen in their social interactions (Check out Tomizawa's Drink Links, it's one of the most realest things I've seen in this franchise.)

The main story in my opinion is two steps forward one step back, I enjoyed Ichiban's personal stake in 7 but in this game, it sets it up at the beginning but just kind of fizzles out. Kiryu's story on the other hand, oh man it's the best kind of reward for having played all the mainline games AND SPIN-OFFS. After 3 games of giving him a send-off, they've finally done it. If you're a new player starting from 7 I honestly couldn't tell you if this is good or not but most of the tribute stories and memories are relegated to side stuff so you could potentially ignore them if you're not interested. But for returning players who played them all, please check them out.

The main mini-games are bound to Ichiban, these are Sujimon(Pokemon) and Dondoko Island(Animal Crossing + Sims).

Dondoko Island is an insane mini-game and it feels like they took an existing game and slapped Ichiban and other yakuza assets to it. You can customise your island to your heart's content or to please visitors.
They give you access to every access RGG has ever made and more to place around your island. It drives me fucking nuts, that's an insane amount of dedication. It gets a bit repetitive so I recommend putting on a podcast and start doing your Dondoko Dailies.

Sujimon returns and now you can capture them and use them to battle! or put them to work on your Dondoko plantations! This mini-game is kind of whatever to me since I neglected it and had to do all of it in one go. It got a bit brain-numbing so I recommend doing a bit of this throughout your playthrough instead of saving it for the end.

Overall this is a solid game, and a super solid Yakuza/Like A Dragon game. I look forward to RGG's next game.

It's mid. There's a lot of fluff in the quests' design and the enemies are super spongey. The story is mid too. It was interesting to play different members of the bat family but Arkham Knight lets you do it but 100x better.

Decently fun with a friend so that you can complain together.