One of the worst games i've ever played.

More of the same as the first title. Slyvia is a cool addition, but not a fun character to play. Some of the puzzles are too complicated. Highly recommend not playing this immediately after the first one.

An interesting premise that is floundered by a lack of tone and janky gameplay. Feels undercooked in a lot of places. Leaves a lot to be desired after playing it.

A goregous game with fun metroidvania gameplay. Though the open world sections feel tact on, and would've appreciated a more though out world and level design.

Platforming + Survival Horror = An unfun experience. The controls do not help the game in the slightest. The menus are obtuse and every single enemy in this game is not fun to fight.

The relationship scenario system should've never gotten past QA. The "Devil May Cry 2" of the Onimusha series. The survival horror themes are thrown out the window for a lackluster sequel to an otherwise timeless game.

Great gameplay and some much-needed improvements over the first, while also losing what made the first so memorable. The open world and mundane but fun side jobs are gutted instead of half-baked NES parodies and a story that just frankly isn't as good as the first game.

I have too much to say for this small box. While there are a lot of the same issues that FF15 experienced present in this game, the story is compelling. Frey's journey is relatable. The magic and parkour takes a while to adjust to, but once you master it, the game opens up a lot. Does not deserve the reputation it has.

Meh. The story leaves a lot to be desired, as this feels like busywork before the main finale for the light saga. The new subclass is fun, but not as fun as the 3.0 classes. As a returning player, it did nothing to motivate me to stay again.

My first Souls game I ever beat. The gameplay is quick and visceral. I wanted to replay this game to experiment with builds and alternate routes. The atmosphere is top notch

Expert environmental design, though the upscaled graphics made me miss some details and hints, thinking it was added details for the remaster. A challenge with its Open design, but a very enjoyable adventure.

A rudimentary Hulk game without the Hulk. A lot of emphasis on weapons and vehicles that play to its detriment.

Excellent shooter. A lot of follow the leader moments that I didn't enjoy. I recommend playing on at least Ranger mode if not playing Survival. Spartan/Normal was too easy and felt more like a generic shooter than the survival horror experience the game was going for.