the only question I have is does the suit allow him to piss and shit himself

still has not answered the question of whether or not the master chief pisses and shits in his suit, guess i have to play the 3rd game to find out

beat this game for the first time so i could tell 9 year old me who couldnt even beat the first song to kiss my ass

when buying this all I read was Vin Diesel and instantly got it

it shouldnt be legal for kirby to be this cute

goddamn does this game have awful level design

this game sucks presidential cock


so does doom guy shit himself or like just not shit

i will not elaborate on my rating
please dont dox me

Getting 100% for this game made me want to light my ps2 on fire

easily one of the best platformers on playstation

Improves everything about the first game because it adds animals

why couldnt we get the cartoon cover art instead of the middle aged man in a costume to big for him holding a gun