this game literally has endless replayability

i shit myself in 3 different languages during the game

Improves everything about the first game because it adds animals

First Kirby game a cute little game

yeah it is legend of zelda tho not gonna lie ganon is kinda bad in this game

monke cave man skull in 🙈

the game is a generic fps thats a mobile game on computer of course it isnt gonna be good
p.s. also if your having trouble just play a game of biohazard on the hardest settings and you will make a shit ton of money and will end up breezing through the rest of the game

the game is fun until level 4 and fuck every this game after that level tho ngl the bat kinda bad

I hit someone over the head with a baget and i'm happy

i found it funny when ezios mom said vagina

my first ever xbox 360 game and I have only now decided to beat it and I definitely was not missing much, also that ending was dog shit

the last couple places hurt my eyes

the only good thing about this is the avgn episode