70 reviews liked by sultan

Get Lotus Juice the fuck off the mic. He's fried, he's been shit since day one.



Area 5 is one of the greatest game levels ever made.

While it is a pretty good game, it had way too many moments where I was absolutely stumped on where to go and hat to google it (which sucks). Nice controls and general mood

Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it is very, very good. Lower Brinstar has one of my favourite themes ever. For a SNES game the atmosphere here is incredible and it’s really what makes this game shine the most. Brilliant game

It's really hard to rate this and it's DLC. Starts of with a huge sense of wonder and excitement, but in late game, everything becomes so tedious. Even if you get help from a guide which I did (yeah, fight me), I cannot fathom how some people discovered all these cryptic progressions by themselves. Even with those hints you get, some of which really tells you next to nothing or can be unintentionally misinformative. The ending is decent, though.

imagine playing this without savestates couldnt be me

Fun with friends if you got the right vibe going, otherwise there isn't really any meaningful gameplay. It's compared to Lethal Company, but that game has a more concrete objective that you can lean on. Telling a bunch of people to be funny with a camera does not work as well.

The latest flavor of the month game that people will download and play with their friends for 45 minutes and then never touch again.

The worst thing about this game is that you can only play it blindly one time

Everything about this is perfection, ingenious, creative, and wonderful. The music is fantastic, the presentation and visuals not only are striking but go well with a lower budget game. This is a title that takes full advantage of its limitations.

It has truly shocking and jaw dropping moments. Ones that will stick in your mind long after the experience.

Lucas Pope is a brilliant and incredible game dev. This is a game that defines a career.

I don't consider many pieces of media perfect, but this is one of them. Don't look anything up, just know it will challenge you and force you to be observant and to really think. Must play.