A fairly decent yet simplistic 1v1 fighter based on the Power Rangers license. The presentation absolutely carries this one but still worth trying out if you're a fan of the series.

This feels like Sonic Team had two unfinished Sonic games and instead of scrapping one to further polish the other they awkwardly crammed both together. It's not bad but it's not the amazing comeback I've been seeing fans make it out to be either.

This is honestly one of the greatest game compilations I've ever seen. Where other publishers lazily throw a handful of roms in an emulator package then call it a day this one acts more as an interactive museum about Atari and gaming as a whole during the 70s and early to mid 80s onwards. It is filled to the brim with fascinating historical documents, interviews, and overall insight into an era of gaming most people ignore in favor of the NES onward. Even if you're not into this period of video games I highly recommend picking this up for this historical context it provides.
Also it's got Tempest 2000.

If you wanted Mega Turrican but shit then this is the game for you.

It's awful but I give it half a star for letting you play a giant Serizawa destroying the city while carrying the oxygen destroyer in his hands.

The dopamine rush this game gives should make it be legally classified as a drug.

This is one of my favorite games on the Sega Saturn and is a masterpiece in audio visual design. Also 99% why I'm gonna be buying the Darius Cozmic Collection on PC when it's out.

Big fan of Serious Sam 1-3 however the "humor" in this is extremely grating. It feels like they found the trash bin full of rejected jokes by Gearbox for Borderlands. For fuck's sake these guys are making killing Kenny jokes in 2020.

Very fun fast paced arcade game where you gotta capture all the animals before time runs out. The sound design is amazing every action has this big chunky sound to it even running around is super satisfying as a result.

Absolute monster of a game showcasing the power of the Genesis when pushed to its absolute limit. Ranger X is a fast paced side scrolling shooter with a fairly unique control scheme as you're controlling both a mech and its giant bike at the same time. What really elevates this game is both its sense of scale during the boss fights, open ended level design, and incredible soundtrack.

Killer 7 answers the question of "What if there's world peace" and it turns out it kinda fucking sucks.

One of the greatest shooters ever made. Game was mind blowing back in 2000 pushing the N64 to limits that should not be possible. Mission design absolutely nails the feeling of corporate espionage and mission objectives are far more fleshed out than Goldeneye was. Every weapon having two different firing modes also drastically beefs up your options in the heat of combat. Only downside was needing an expansion pack to play the campaign along with the framerate chugging hard especially if you dare use the n-bomb. Thankfully those last two issues are gone if you play the fantastic decompiled PC port.

This game freaking rules. What could've been an average beat em up is greatly elevated by its clear love for MMPR and banging soundtrack. If you are a fan or still have nostalgia for MMPR I highly recommend this one.

I expected a drop in quality after Acclaim got the rights but holy shit did I not expect it to fall off this hard.