The holy grail of most Genesis owners. MUSHA is a fast paced shmup albeit on the easier side(1CC'd it my second try) but makes up for it in incredible presentation and a roaring speed metal soundtrack. After finding out Raizing was formed from ex-Compile devs I started to notice some of their DNA in this game mostly with the little guys who float around you that you can change various formations with.

The follow up to MUSHA improves the difficulty but is a huge step down in almost every other aspect. Pacing comes to a crawl with forced story sections and the soundtrack despite using CD audio is rather lackluster compared to its predecessor which was a powerful showcase of the Genesis hardware under the right hands. It does make some cool use of the Sega CD sprite scaling capabilities but otherwise you're better off playing MUSHA over this.

It's pretty fun until the disappearing dad glitch occurs hitting too close to home.

When Shrek threatened to rape me within the first minute I finally felt genuine terror in a video game.

Never thought a bunch of Atari 2600 looking ass trees would feel me with complete dread but man did this game manage to accomplish that.

The first Jurassic Park on the Genesis was a rather interest but frustrating attempt at making a survival/platformer. Rampage Edition was Blue Sky's attempt at listening to the complaints people had of the first game and following it up with a more action based side scroller where Grant does wicked cool stuff like riding a raptor while holding a machine gun shooting down other dinosaurs and mercenaries.

Near flawless port of the arcade game. Saturn version actually has an edge over the PS1 port due to the AI not being broken so you won't be dealing with them immediately tackling you down the second a game starts.

Two missions in and I got to shoot a sovereign citizen in the face with a shotgun. Pretty promising start if you ask me.

Now I know what the world was like through my schizophrenic step brother's eyes. Thank you video games.

It's kinda fun until the novelty of kicking kids wears off.

This is a terrible game but a fun one to experience. It both serves as an amazing time capsule during that period right after 9/11 where every American wanted the middle east nuked without remorse and the casual racism of that time. The second mission has you fighting terrorists in an "urban" neighborhood where every bad guy is a shirtless African American spotting a huge afro wearing a gold medallion while generic hip hop music plays in the background.

Very solid bemani game and serves as decent competition with DJmax. Biggest thing preventing me from recommending it to anyone is it's stuck with always online DRM.

Kinda cool id made a game based off me but I gotta deduct half a point for not giving me any royalties.

This game rocks. Loads of content, fantastic art design, tough but fair level design, and an incredible soundtrack by Zuntata as always. It ain't no Darius Gaiden but it's still a fantastic time.