For clarity, I rank my games weighted towards the middle. I go out of 10 using half stars. I like most of the games I play!

1/10 - worst ever
2/10 - terrible
3/10 - bad
4/10 - average
5/10 - good
6/10 - very good
7/10 - great
8/10 - excellent
9/10 - perfect, no notes
10/10 - my favourites
Personal Ratings



Played 250+ games


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Played 100+ games

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Yume Nikki
Yume Nikki
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Disco Elysium
Disco Elysium
The Witness
The Witness
Alan Wake II
Alan Wake II


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Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

Feb 06

Outer Wilds
Outer Wilds

Jan 31

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

Jan 30

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Jan 23

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Jan 21

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A bit tough to rate compared to Uncharted 2. I think I had a much better and consistent experience playing this one, and the story was far superior. We actually had some themes going on, and it was nice to see them resolved. But there's such amazing stand out moments in Uncharted 2 that it feels larger in my memory.

I think they managed to get the representation right in this one, the foreign people aren't othered, and there's not really mystical things happening aside from a very advanced early civilisation. The main dynamic between Sully and Nate is fantastic, but the Cutter/Nate relationship was extremely bizarre and cut short. I get he was supposed to be a foil, but what the hell? Why were they so close and then post-hypnosis hated each other. Really felt like a missed opportunity there.

Also, this has been the buggiest experience I've had with the games so far. There were endless bugs whenever Nate or an enemy were on stairs. The AI pathing often got caught. About a dozen times a glitch led to a game over. This is all a shame because the gunplay felt more polished and actually fun. The approach to combat still feels restrictive, like the game wants me to do the sandbox in their own way. Also, the puzzles were actually kind of good.

Absurd improvement on the original Uncharted, in basically every area. The writing, level design, gunplay, all far superior here. All in all, it's a fun adventure. The chauvinism feels like more of a choice and less awful to each other.

There are still a lot of frustrating parts, where Nathan just refuses to do what you expect him to do. Puzzles aren't really puzzles, you can figure them out in about three seconds but takes three minutes to put in the answers. The ending couple of chapters are a huge slog, for not a lot of payoff. I enjoyed this game, but I hope it's not the peak of the series that others say it is.

Honestly terrible game. I've played the first hour of the second one so I know this series gets better but jesus christ this is awful. Terrible gunplay, tedious platforming, boring story. The characters had some fun moments when they weren't being overly awful to each other? Anyone looking to jump into the series, do NOT start with this one.