I couldn't dream up a better Game Boy game if I tried. It's so different for a Zelda game, but it works, and its almost psychedelic moodscape works well for the portable platform. This is one game I'd recommend playing the original or DX version over the remake, as the remake's visual style, while very cute, ruined the atmosphere of the game itself.

The best version of a classic. Beautiful graphics with the great gameplay we all love, and dancing space ships that are super cute.

Forget the original version, get this one. It has some of the greatest platforming games ever made and also Lost Levels.

A game with a lot of potential to be a great linear WRPG, but even outside of its glitches, its story is not captivating despite some charming characters, and it's lack of immersion and class choices hinders it further.

It was fun making my majin OC once again but if you ever want to make another OC you can go toss yourself because you have to play the whole story, tutorials and all, allllllll over again

Also a lot of style with very little substance. It's fine.

A technical mahvel I tell ya! The game's difficulty does spike at times, but the level design and platforming is fun all the same. Donkey Kong Country is truly perfect. If you do not get this new generation of Donkey Kong madness, YOU ARE STUPID. Yeah, we know, it's insulting, but it's also the truth.

The version on the Super Mario Advance games is what you'll want to play, as this version allows you to steer Mario or Luigi in the air, which the Arcade and NES versions don't allow.

Sega loves this game, but Green Hill is really its only good level, everything else is convoluted and slow. Not recommended, either that or play the superior Master System version.

Good lord this game is tough, but it's close to perfection on the Sega Genesis. I think the game lacks an identity, and that docks it some points, and yet its varied settings across Europe still make it a valid curiosity in the series. The visuals are top-notch, rivaling the SNES in terms of graphical effect, and the gameplay is tight as you'd expect from the series. A must play.



Probably THEE premier NES third-party title along with Castlevania. I think as an NES owner, it's illegal NOT to have this in your collection. And while several better run-and-guns have come out since, this right here is the grand daddy, and still a killer time.

The streets of New York really aren't as fun to traverse as, say, SF or Springfield, but it's still Crazy Taxi so no harm, no foul.

There's no more iconic game on the Sega Genesis than this one. The music, the beautiful graphics, the terrific levels with just the right amount of difficulty. The game does taper off towards the end, and Sonic 3K improves upon it in every single way, but still a darn good time.

Another great western game like Sunset Riders, although this one is a shoot-em-up. Very unique control for the time, Natsume really nailed the fun factor here.

A fun game, but not as interesting as the first two games in the series. It's neat to play with different superpowers, but I think First Light, the spin-off of this game, is just more compelling.