I am one of the few that will claim this to be superior to the Sega Genesis version. Though its level design isn't too interesting, and its graphics subpar, it has translated the Genesis gameplay to the 8-bit systems well, and has excellent music to boot.

The prototypical Cowboy video game. Yeehaw this game rules pardner!

The game isn't bad by any means, but the fact that the game is structured in levels instead of the open nature of 1 and 3 really takes away from the flow. On top of that, the themes aren't really that interesting. Still, fun gameplay and it introduced Polterpup.

Sega loves this game, but Green Hill is really its only good level, everything else is convoluted and slow. Not recommended, either that or play the superior Master System version.

There's no more iconic game on the Sega Genesis than this one. The music, the beautiful graphics, the terrific levels with just the right amount of difficulty. The game does taper off towards the end, and Sonic 3K improves upon it in every single way, but still a darn good time.

The version on the Super Mario Advance games is what you'll want to play, as this version allows you to steer Mario or Luigi in the air, which the Arcade and NES versions don't allow.

The streets of New York really aren't as fun to traverse as, say, SF or Springfield, but it's still Crazy Taxi so no harm, no foul.

This game is tough for no good reason at all. Not really fun to play, but the interesting level design and great graphics for the 8 bit systems keep me from giving a lower score.

An excellent game and proof that Wayforward really, really loves boobs.

A challenging platformer game with a bit of a learning curve to its controls.

An excellent platforming game for the NES. The cane mechanic sets this one apart from other games of its time, and makes for a fun time.

There's no better story mode in a WWE game than this one, and arguably one of the best rosters of all-time too. For that alone, as well as the difficult but wildly fun play style, pick this up. You gotta make Goldust World Heavyweight Champion at least once in your life.

Even for a Godzilla fan, this one is probably a game you want to skip. You destroy stuff, occasionally face a monster, rinse, repeat. You use tank controls and you are incredibly slow. It looks fantastic and all the monster models are well-done, but it's just not fun.

A fun game, but not as interesting as the first two games in the series. It's neat to play with different superpowers, but I think First Light, the spin-off of this game, is just more compelling.

A fun top-down racing game. Not much else to it, aside the fact you can buy upgrades to your vehicle between races. A game I always go back to, especially on the Master System.