Quite possibly just the most beautiful game ever.

I really think this game boarders on perfection. I'm not sure what keeps me from giving it a 10/10 but it may grow on me more with time and I'll change my mind. Perfect music, gameplay, good strategy (if you do challenge runs), the best Mario characters, made turn based combat fun, and so many more positives. Now I gotta go beat the optional bosses...

An improvement for sure but it's still barely a game

This was a blast. It's everything I love about narrative games even if the narrative was a little weak toward the end. The mystery is always more interesting than the answers. The game play is engaging and the Lore is perfection. I love Remedy

This game does still stand up! I think the biggest downside is it's pacing can be a slog at times. It suffers from the same fate as the Bioshock games where important story revelations are broken up by endless FPS missions before the next big story beat. But the DIRECTION! I haven't played AW2 yet but I can't wait to see how the direction of this franchise evolves from AW to Control to AW2. So excited!

Near perfection. The best 2d metroid-vania I've ever played.

The best FNAF game. Finally they spent more time giving lore clarifications than manufacturing more questions. Also the mid game twist is phenomenal.

I can not think of any flaws and my gut reaction is that it's one of my favorite experiences in gaming ever. I'll feel this out but for now it's a 10/10. Best puzzle game I've played since Portal 2. The future is indie.

Top tier music, turn based battles, story, characters, and presentation. This is Atlas's M.O. and they knock it outta the park again with this remake. The dungeons can get a little stale and the gameplay loop outside of battles can get repetitive but when this game does something right, which happens often, it excells despite its occasional stumbling.

A great time. I love pure story games like this so much. I think the themes are very tight but I understand why some people don't love this game. Hard to talk about without spoiling since the entire game is the story. It's often on sale, and takes 4 hours to finish so just play it so we can talk about it.

This game is very hindered by the fact that it costs $60. Its very charming and a ton of fun but that's too much money for 10hrs of gameplay. Also, maybe I just had a good run but I never lost a battle my whole run so there was never any tention for me, except for the final boss (actually a great final boss).


This would probably be in my top 5 favorite games of all time if it weren't for the freaking combat... This isn't news to anyone, we all know it's bad. And I bought the game for $15 so people who harp on it for being cost inefficient may be on to something but that money pays for quality. This game is one of the best looking games I've ever seen. The atmosphere is some of the best ever and the puzzles are original and inventive. This brings me back to playing Myst with my dad on our old PC. Myst always showed you just enough of the world to set your mind reeling, always wanting to see more. Scorn does all that and then some. I'm so thankful for this game.

This is a lot of fun and probably the best 2d Mario game in the last 10 years but I swear to God if they make me fight Bowser Jr one more time I'ma tell my dad to quit his job at Nintendo