Mule is a lot of fun, more fun than it has any right to be. a lot of modern biz Sims still don't match the simple mechanics of this game. which is kinda odd when you think about it.

I have never understood this game


underrated little arcade gem. Very finicky to control but that just adds to its charm. The pleasure one gets from learning how to nail the bad dudes can't be beaten.

excruciatingly unfun premise executed like preparing a dog's breakfast. Child me will never forgive the Devs for this one

this was some real shit right here.

very confusing arcade experience. never quite sure what you're meant to do and it takes a lot of attempts before it becomes clear. not very satisfying either!

even as a kid I wouldn't play as the Israelis. maybe that's why I didn't like this game

Not much of a game but I remember having a few rounds with it. fun way to learn how US elections worked but very limited interactivity besides

Cutesy and very nice to play during lockdown. made my friends kinda resent each other though ngl

They took the winning energy of Portal and have it a narrative thrust that was pretty fun. at the end of the day it's more Portal so that's worth the price of admission alone.

Controversy aside, it's not an especially interesting game to play. once the novelty of "it's Pokemon but cooler and edgier" wears off you're left with a monster hunter where everything has largely been done better elsewhere. not really worth your time tbh

JRPGS needed this one. genuinely creative and made by one guy; one of the best things ever to come out of the Homestuck fandom

Great game but a) criminally boring without friends, b) with friends you have to keep up or you'll get confused. lots of fun though!

The Xbox version of this game took over my life for a good portion of primary school. The PC version dominated my life in University. this game is excellent and if you don't agree yr an n'wah