About You: Video Games

I've seen this type of list circulate around Backloggd, and I want to give my take on it. I don't know how it started, so sorry for not crediting whoever started this.


Favorite Game of All Time

Kingdom Hearts II is an insanely special game to me. Even despite its faults, it's a game that feels like a complete package and hits notes no other game has done for me.
Favorite Series

I don't have a favorite series, necessarily, but Trails is the series I find the most consistently strong since its inception. There's not a single game in this series I consider bad or even mediocre.
Favorite Soundtrack

Xenoblade Chronicles X is my favorite soundtrack of all time. The tracks offer an intensity and power that no other game's soundtrack can match. Standouts include The Key We've Lost, THEMEX, and aBOreSSs.
Favorite Protagonist

Nero is the boy, you put some respect on his name.
Favorite Villain

Giliath Osbourne is one of the best written characters in the series. and his true motivation makes a lot of sense considering what happened to lead up to its reveal. He brings home the themes the series has at the very least attempted in a surprisingly nuanced way.
Best Story

It was between this and Travis Strikes Again, and both do tackle their respective themes with an incredible amount of nuance and introspection, but 13 Sentinels just barely edges out due to its structure.
Have Not Played But Want To
I've seen TGBS's video on the game, and it looks like peak PS1 gaming.
You Love Everyone Hates

Sonic Heroes is one of the high points of the series to me, because it has the tightest level design and mechanics that feel fully realized and unintrusive.
You Hate Everyone Loves

This was the hardest category to pick a single game for, because I have so many options (i.e. Ape Escape 2, Danganronpa V3, Shadow of Mordor), but Final Fantasy XV is the game I have the biggest bone to pick with, even moreso than games I hate more than XV. Outside of the stellar soundtrack and the dynamic of the main bros (for the most part), FFXV does everything so terribly, and it makes for a genuinely dreadful experience. I was actually angry for a major chunk of this game, and the 2nd half is where everything falls apart. I have no intention of ever coming back to this game, every possible bridge has been burnt.
Best Art Style

The World Ends With You has the sickest aesthetic I've ever seen. The character art and general look is peak my shit.
Favorite Ending

Persona 3 feels like the only ending in the series where it's fully realized and feels like a true culmination of the game's story and themes.
Favorite Boss Fight

Data Xion is my favorite fight ever. It's absolutely staggering how a fight this good came from the team behind Mysterious Figure from BbS, and it is the biggest redemption arc I've ever seen.
Childhood Game

Klonoa 2 is one of the most nostalgic games in my collection, and I have a detailed history with this game.
Relaxing Game

Honestly this whole series could apply here, but We Love Katamari is the one I have spent the most time in. It's such a charming and laidback game, and it's fun to just roll up stuff to catchy Japanese songs.
Stressful Game

Playing this game on Critical Mode with a combat system as piss as this is an experience I wouldn't wish on anyone.
Game You Always Come Back To

Devil May Cry 5 has one of the most galaxy-brained combat systems I've ever played around with, but is actually good the whole way through, unlike 4.
Guilty Pleasure

Sakura Wars has a lot of bad anime cliches and its gameplay sucks, but when it comes to character writing and theming, it's genuinely kinda phenomenal. Also the main reason I bought this game was for Tite Kubo's character art.
Tons of Hours Played

I don't know my exact playtime, but I do know I've beaten it over 120 times, so take that how you will.


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