SCP Foundation, the game. A rip-roaringly fun time, with some fantastic worldbuilding under all that goofiness.

Bioshock is good.

This version is straight-up broken.

John Carpenter's "The Thing," with pixel-art graphics and some downright addictive gameplay. My one and only complaint is a lack of more carrion!

I really, truly wish I hardly knew 'er.

I.E. This game fuckin' blows.


It's an exceptionally rare treat to find a game that seems tailor-made for you, specifically. A perfect mess of breathtaking visuals, engaging gameplay, and a story that perfectly combined classical mythology with modern sensibilities.

I mean, what the hell am I supposed to say? It's minecraft! You can't walk through a goddamn target without knowing what this game's about.

This was my first-ever Pokemon game, and I still consider it one of the best I've played. According to my friends who've played Ruby, it's an upgrade, but I consider it good enough to stand on it's own: a good game, I think.

A rip-roarin', gleefully irreverent adventure through a marvelously dystopian cyber-city. I simply cannot wait until Chapter 1.

For somebody who'd never played a Sinnoh-region game, I had a fantastic time! A fun story, (comparatively) innovative mechanics, and that good old-fashioned Pokemon charm came together quite well with this one.

The best time I've ever had with an MMO, no contest.

A fun park manager that fails to shine without the benefit of DLC: base-game content is lacking, to say the least, and fails to capture the sense of accomplishment this sort of game should inspire.

God, my feelings about this game are capital-C Complicated.

In it's current state, this game fails to shine as much as it should. The concentrated malevolence of a few, unfunny people have rendered it nearly unplayable, and it sure as hell seems like Valve has stopped caring.

Still, if you've got some good friends beside you, it can be a damn good time.

A fun little jaunt into the Sonic universe, supported masterfully by it's pleasant art and engaging micro-story. If I had to pick one gripe, it would probably be the mandatory mini-games, but that's just the old man in me; this is a marvelous little visual novel, made all the better by the obvious love that went into it.

A cute, solidly made mashup between community management and rogue-like combat. Though not much for replayability, this game remains a pleasant memory.

A baffling journey of grief, music, and the ever-present question of "god, do I really need to waste my ammo on that guy?" If you like cosmic horror, getting bummed out, and- oddly enough -the old, bad, Resident Evil games, this is the masterpiece for you.