Was breezing through Arcade Mode until suddenly Jeffry happened. That guy's tough as nails!

Like plenty of other NSO fighting game fodder, this is fine! And nothing more!

Not sure how I found this on here but the title intrigued me, and uhhhh this is barely a game. Admittedly, I don't know how itch.io really works, but can you upload anything and get an IGDB page? This is an undercooked minigame without a win or loss condition. There's nothing awful, nothing great, it's just... a student project. Weird that it's on here!

This game was such a nice place to be for a few hours. A mashup between a 3D Zelda and a 3D Platformer Collection mixed with cozy childhood summer vibes??? Add humor, charm, wacky items, and post-game tools to help you find everything you missed (I was at 96% completion before rolling credits), and you'd be hard-pressed to find an indie game more tailor-fit to my tastes.

Honestly this feels like it might be a 5/5, but I'm super judicious about what I slap that score on. I'll think about it for a bit!

While I was playing Frog Detective 3, my wife was doing a 1500 piece jigsaw puzzle but still wanted to hear all the dialogue, so I had to come up with different voices for each character, and reading it out loud in my basic American accent is how I realized just how Australian some of this dialogue is

10/10 for coziness, would narrate again

Lessons learned from Frog Detective:

- Crime? Not real.
- Books? Trash.
- Moles? Not to be trusted.
- Extortion? Fun.
- Your address? Give it to everybody.
- Frog Detective? #1 in my heart.

Highly recommended, this is an absolutely adorable little adventure trilogy. The dialogue might be my favorite of any game since Golf Story. (Am I Australia-pilled now? Has listening to The Weekly Planet for a decade conditioned my brain to think Aussie text is always funny? Who can say)

This is very good Picross. But this would easily eat up dozens of hours of my life just filling in boxes if I let it, and I've been down that road twice before. Addicting, but not exactly fulfilling.

Short. Simple. Charming. Adorable.

If you're looking for a bite-sized adventure game, you can knock this out in under an hour, easy. There's not much to it, but it's super cute!

Tired: The hardest part of Infinite's LASO mode is the entire UI (including whatever weapon you're holding) being invisible

Wired: The hardest part of Infinite's LASO mode is the "Boom" skull augmenting all the explosions, so when you're supposed to clear out all the enemies in an outdoor area, you accidentally launch a Brute 15 miles away while they're still alive, Team Rocket style, and The Weapon won't let you push a button to open a door because one of the enemies you were supposed to kill is still alive even though they're now on the other side of the ring

Spire'd: The hardest part of Infinite's LASO mode is that a buddy and I beat it all in co-op, and the only mission that took us over 2 hours ("The Sequence", in which you traverse a large portion of the map activating four spires) did not get marked off in the missions list. Every other mission has the Legendary icon marked in white. But The Sequence is still blue on Legendary! We replayed it without any fast traveling or backing out to the menu, which took 2.5 hours. STILL DIDN'T WORK!

I had a good time embracing the challenge of Infinite's LASO mode, and it really was hard as balls. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it though, playing on Heroic was more enjoyable, and Legendary without all the skulls could potentially be even better. But there were a few too many issues that made our LASO run frustrating at times.

I have completed LASO. I just didn't get the achievement to pop because of a tracking glitch. Booooo.

As bare-bones as golf can be. The half-conscious look in the critters' eyes is perfectly emblematic of every aspect of the game. Just bland, bland, bland. Sure it's micro-scale golf like House of Golf starring tiny animals, but the only thing out of the ordinary about how this plays is the overwhelming simplicity. All you control is left/right and a single-select power meter, unlike most games that take two or more button presses to confirm accuracy.

It's bad and boring! Do not play!

Literally every single time I hit a ball, it got caught. Why are baseball games?? Hmm???

This is like if Joe & Mac was actually good or engaging

Reading Nintendo Power from 2003 to 2008 had me under the impression that Kid Icarus was a masterpiece, a true gem of the 8-bit era that everyone had just slept on, blindly missing out on its majesty.

why tho

Imagine the most basic 16-bit platformer possible. Now give the main character a stick.

Congratulations! You now have no need to try Congo's Caper!

Hey, this one doesn't suck!

Apparently in Japan, this is the third entry in the "Rushing Beat" trilogy, with the first and second games being Rival Turf and Brawl Brothers, respectively. I tried all three in order today, and while the first is awful and the second only seems good in comparison to its predecessor, The Peace Keepers is actually a solid beat 'em up! I'm shelving it for now because I wanna come back and do it co-op with my son.

IMPORTANT: For some reason the music is turned off by default. I don't get it! In the options, change the Music from "BGS" to "BGM" and it'll work.

Wait... You mean to tell me THIS has secretly been the best SNES racing game all along?? I was put off by F-Zero and Super Mario Kart as a kid since the N64 versions were so much better, but if I had owned Stunt Race FX, I would have played the heck outta this. Forget about the framerate issues, they don't stop this from having superior and more intuitive handling than its peers, none of which look as charming as this adorable truck with its animated eyes and Rayman-esque limbless movements. If you can get past the choppiness, there is a KILLER racing game in here!